... I just found and installed MacDING 0.4. Looks like a wonderful tool but
I'd like to ask for two little enhancements to the GUI:
1. I would like MacDING to honor window positions between launches. I
would like it to open a new window at the position and the size the last
one was closed. Every program should do that.
2. Can you make the MacDING window resizable (and remember its size
between launches)?
3. In the options drawer there are things like "normal", "ignore case",
"word in text", etc. Could you add a selection in the preferences window
that lets one select a default? Currently, MacDING always resets to
"normal" between launches, which I find annoying as I like "ignore case"
way better.
Besides that, MacDING is a very cool and (thank patterns) very versatile
dictionary tool. So, that you very much for writing it. :-)))
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Hi Paul,
thank you for the suggestions, I agree that they would
enhance the usability of the tool.
As I got some other requests for certain enhancements, I
will take the time to implement them in the next couple of
See also MacDINGs Homepage (where I will add a TODO section)
for the status of the development.