
MacBibTk / News: Recent posts

New Binary Release

The latest version of MacBibTk, v0.04a1, is released with a binary version. This means that you can simply double-click the binary and MacBibTk will launch without having to source the macbibtk.tcl file. You will, of course, need to install Tcl/Tk 8.3.4 which is also available here at SourceForge.


Posted by Donavan Hall 2001-12-12

MacBibTk Website Now on Sourceforge

I've moved the webpage for MacBibTk to the sourceforge servers. A big thanks to them for this great service. I will work on getting additional information up in the coming days.


Posted by Donavan Hall 2001-12-11

Stable Version of MacBibTk Released

I've just released a "stable" version for MacBibTk. I've been using this version since April 2001 with no major bugs discovered. Future improvements will focus on feature enhancement.

-Donavan Hall

Posted by Donavan Hall 2001-12-10