
"Mac4Lin Dust"

  • Jens Andersson

    Jens Andersson - 2011-02-05

    One thing I have been thinking of is some kind of "Mac4Lin Dust"
    alternative along with the original Mac Aqua and Graphite themes. There's a
    very good looking macish Firefox theme called Proto Dust and I'd really
    like my whole desktop environment to look that way.

    It's a black theme but it's not really glossy and it's very discrete. Menu
    and Tool bars are black, and as a desktop theme I imagine the panels would
    also be. The proto Dust theme - unlike many other dark themes - still have
    white menus, which I'm happy with, because I don't like reading or writing
    white text on black background.

    I've managed to re-color the Menu and Tool bars in Gimp, however I get
    problems when I try and change the text colors in Gnome Color-Chooser. I
    can easily make the text white or light grey, but it also affects the text
    in the menus, which means light color text on white background, which is a
    bit annoying...

  • Anirudh Acharya

    Anirudh Acharya - 2011-02-06

    Do you mean to say that the hex values of the colors are not consistent?

  • Jens Andersson

    Jens Andersson - 2011-02-06

    I don't really understand what you mean.

  • Anirudh Acharya

    Anirudh Acharya - 2011-02-06

    My question was with reference to this sentence: "I've managed to re-color the
    Menu and Tool bars in Gimp, however I get
    problems when I try and change the text colors in Gnome Color-Chooser."

  • Jens Andersson

    Jens Andersson - 2011-02-06

    Well I'm still not sure I understand. What I meant is that the original color
    of the panels, toolbars, menubars, etc is grey with black text. If I make the
    menubar black, the black text will be unreadable unless I make it light.
    However, if I make the text light grey in Gnome Color-Chooser, I will have
    light grey text all over, for example in the menus which are white. So it
    seems to beyond my abilities to modify the theme the way I'd like it. Still, I
    think the idea is good enough to be an alternative in the Mac4Lin package,
    along with Aqua and graphite. So it's kind of a suggestion...


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