
install script for subversion only

  • thierrybo

    thierrybo - 2009-05-24


    sorry if I write big mistakes, I play with mac4lin since 2 days only. Reading the post "Mac4Lin v1.0 RC2 : Subversion" here and " " i tried to install but this is not so easy, we do not only need to make tarball and name them the same as RC1, I needed to tweaks strings because a lot of them in Subversion do not match the RC1 ones and so on. So i thought this was not the good way.

    So my idea is to do a subversion install where the themes names never change. ie. always use Mac4Lin_GTK instead of Mac4Lin_GTK_vx.xx_RC...blah . I tried for myself to modify the install script this way. It is not prefect and certainly contains errors i did not saw but it seems to work on my system (i'm not a bash geek!) . Also I think I copy to much things, sometimes a tarball and sources files:

    you can see diff the standard script. Missing things are full fonts installation. I hope this can be a starting point for a subversion only install.

    • thierrybo

      thierrybo - 2009-05-24

      The good source link is then select the most recent post


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