
Lupy / News: Recent posts

Release 0.2.1

Release 0.2.1 - 11 May 2004

Minor bugfixes, added tests.

Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2004-05-20

Release 0.2.0

Release 0.2.0 - 20 Feb 2004

This release brings major reorganization of the code, grouping classes
into larger modules instead of the original Java style, as well as
rewriting several of the classes to be more Pythonic, removing
extraneous data structures and so forth; overall, the code has been
reduced by 20%. The public interface,, has not changed;
other classes have not been changed significantly, other than being
moved to new modules.... read more

Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2004-05-20

Divmod Lupy

A minor release with mainly a bug fix in the indexer.Index wrapper.

Changed default mergeFactor from 9 to 20 for better performance
Fixed the example in to use a Keyword for filename, instead of
stored, instead of a tokenized and stored Text field.
Tidied up SegmentInfos and FieldInfos to be more Pythonic.
Call close() on open searcher in indexer.Index.setupIndexer.

Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2003-11-17


Minor release with fix for a windows-only bug.
Also indexer.Index now allow you to set the mergeFactor
for tuning Lupy's speed/space tradeoff.


Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2003-09-02


Some minor changes to appease Python 2.3, although certain a couple of warnings about bit operations persisit. I'd appreciate help in clearing these up.

This release breaks some code:
Instead of field.Field.Keyword() you now use field.Keyword()

If you are using the Indexer wrapper, searches are now more accurate since it tokenizes the query first.

Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2003-08-18


Performance improvements if you are using the indexer.Index wrapper.

Splitter is another Analyzer/Tokenizer derived from David Mertz's article in IBM Developerworks. It is faster than the existing Analyzer and more Pythonic, but it is *not* unicode. The indexer wrapper continues to use the Unicode tokenizer.


Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2003-05-02


Fixed a bug in deletion.
Improved the new wrapper lupy.indexer.Index.

Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2003-04-25

Release 0.1.4a

This realease fixes a bug introduced with the Unicode upgrade.

There is also a new wrapper to make indexing and search even easier.

from lupy.indexer import Index
i = Index('myindex', create=True)
i.index(text='some test text for Lupy')
i.find('"text text")

Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2003-04-24

Release 0.1.3a

Thanks to Martin Elaisson in Sweden, Lupy now correctly handles unicode.


Posted by Amir Bakhtiar 2003-04-15