
Luftguitar CMS / News: Recent posts

Thinking about moving

You know what, every time I visit Sourceforge, it's a bit different. I'm thinking about moving.

What sparked the idea of moving was todays double posting. Accidentally, I managed to double post an article and I could not remove it. I mean, it took me a lot of time just to remove a news item. That's is a signal. Now I'm thinking about CodePlex. I'll let you know :D

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2009-03-11

New Release Pretty Soon

I've been working on the project for the last few weeks. You won't see all that much of a difference, except that a lot of stability issues has been addressed. Installation will also be a breeze compared to the SQLite/Mono mess I made before. You should still be able to run the project on Mono with SQLite, but you'll have to do some small modifications - the rest of us just copy and run on IIS.

Thinking about releasing version 2.1 this weekend. If the weather keeps this good, I might go fishing in stead, so we'll see :D

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2009-03-11

New compile with Gaia Glory release

Luftguitar didn't win the Gaia contest, sadly. That is not the reason why I'm thinking of kicking out Gaia from the project. The problem is that they've changed so much of their framework.

I'm working on a new release with the Gaia Glory release and it's a lot of work because the windows lo longer work, the CSS doesn't work, the placeholder is gone and so on. I don't want to struggle with my components, I want to develop cool new features...

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2008-11-28

Luftguitar CMS 2.0.2 released

Added the SQLite3.dll to the project root folder. This is because some of you have had difficulties getting the project running out-of-the-box.

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2008-04-25

Luftguitar CMS 2.0.1 Released


ADDED a backstage tab for plugins. Now you can create plugins that only shows backstage.
ADDED a few example plugins

The project

The Luftguitar CMS project is a great platform for small or medium sized web portals. It is made with simplicity in mind and at the same time it offers a great deal of flexibility when it comes to customization.

The Goal

The philosophy is that
- most users don't like to manage user roles and frontpage layout, they want a simple system that just works.
- most designers don't like javascript, they want simple html and css.
- most developers don't like hacking old code, they want to make new cool features fast.... read more

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2008-04-09

Luftguitar CMS: Input wanted

The project had a flying start yesterday with a couple of hundred downloads and front page cover here on

Now I need help from you guys, the users, in order to set the agenda for the CMS. As stated in the release notes, the future improvements include:

- A better security model
- MD5 encrypted passwords
- Register plugins
- Email verification on add comments
- 100% page validating and search engine optimization
- Dynamic meta tags
- Article search
- Logging
- A few good templates in collaboration with a professional designer ... read more

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2008-04-02

Luftguitar CMS: Release today

A lightweight and simple CMS system built on ASP.NET 2.0 with the Gaia Ajax Widgets library. The application supports templates, rich editing, image gallery, calendar and much more.

The project

The Luftguitar CMS project is a great platform for small or medium sized web portals. It is made with simplicity in mind and at the same time it offers a great deal of flexibility when it comes to customization.... read more

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2008-03-31

Screenshots added

Thought I should show the world what I'm doing. Enjoy!

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2008-03-26

Race to release

I'm aiming to release something next week, just for you guys to see what this is all about.

Although I marked this project as stable, the first release will be in Norwegian and without the documentation. I don't want this project to be a beta project. Surely it can lack some features here and there, but I don't wanna be like Google :)

The Luftguitar CMS is built upon the application I wrote for, a norwegian music magazine back in 2005/2006. The tourists offices in Grimstad (a town on the beautiful southern coast of norway) and a few musician buddies of mine also have had their websites powered by this application.... read more

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2008-02-20

Luftguitar CMS uses Gaia Ajax Widgets

Whats really setting this CMS system apart from the rest of the lot is the rich Ajax enabled interface.

I wanted to make it easy to edit the templates and therefore I didn't want to include lots of javascripts and unnecessary code in the templates. By using Gaia Ajax Widgets, you get cross browser Ajax features without a single line of Javascript in the ASP.NET script.

Posted by Anders Nygaard 2008-02-18