
Lucky IRC Bot / News: Recent posts

Lucky Bot v0.3.5 released

Lucky Bot v0.3.5 released. This release adds a new command named '%module' and a version checker.

Complete changelog:

* Added new %module command, which gives you some info about the given module.
* All plugins must have a Version property now
* Added some extra processor info with %hardware command in CPU.dll
* Added version checker

Posted by LuckyLuke 2006-04-11

Lucky Bot v0.3.4 released

Lucky IRC Bot v0.3.4 is released. The're a few major changes:

* Bot can now disconnect and reconnect without restarting the app
* Activate/Deactivate modules, without having to delete them.
* Save log to a text file.
* Added about window
* [fix] SQLite tables, aren't made everytime the app starts (error was surpressed)

Posted by LuckyLuke 2006-04-08