
Lucidium Application Platform / News: Recent posts

Lucidium voiceXML now on SKYPE

You can now access your Lucidium applications through SKYPE! Tellme, Voxeo, Voxpilot all offer partnership agreements for demo or for-profit voiceXML hosting.

We will be interested to see where this allows our developers to take the interface.

Want to test it? More information on the blog: read more

Posted by Robert Neild 2005-10-12

Database-via-voice Interface nearly complete

We are putting the last touches to Lucidium's voiceXML (vXML) skin. The idea is simple - allow telephone (voice driven) access to any relational database. The clever bit - no coding required. Just describe the database and Lucidium builds the interafces. Search, drill, navigate is done. Update and delete to follow shortly.

Note: We are looking for folks interested in voice applications, voiceXML, VUI development. This is an interesting project and all the basic stuff is delivered. You get to add the final touches and claim the glory. Drop us a line.... read more

Posted by Robert Neild 2005-10-12

Voice Interface Develpoment Work Begins

Access, search and update any relational database via the telephone. This is the promise and we are just about there. For information on how you can contribute to the development of the voiceXML (vXML) application interface see the following help page.

Posted by Robert Neild 2005-04-14

Lucidium Listed on SourceForce

The Lucidium Web Application Paltform is listed for the first time on this site.

Posted by Robert Neild 2005-03-17