Stefan Reich - 2013-12-10


I think I have fixed a bug in LuaJ. Or, let's say, a difference in behavior compared to C-Lua. If you call error() in a debug hook, the error is not passed on to the coroutine as it should.

Fix (org/luaj/vm2/lib/, replace the whole function):

void callHook(LuaValue type, LuaValue arg) {
    LuaThread t = globals.running;
    t.inhook = true;
    try {, arg);
// XXX (Stefan) - following two lines commented out should fix timeout bug (using debug.hook for timeouts)
    /*} catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        t.inhook = false;

After fixing this, debug hooks can be used to cancel too long-running Lua calculations. (Very important if you need proper, i.e. tight, sandboxing.)

I'm waiting for Jim to confirm that this bug fix is OK.

Stefan Reich