
LuaGL / News: Recent posts

LuaGL 1.11 Released

Hi All,

We just released a new LuaGL version.

Mainly we removed the dependency on luaL_openlib. And several bug fixes thanks to Andreas Falkenhahn.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-12-18

LuaGL 1.10 Released

Hi All,

We just released a new LuaGL version.

In this version we added support for Lua 5.3, renamed the modules to remove the "lib" prefix from dynamic libraries in UNIX and removed the Lua version number suffix from all libraries.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-04-25

LuaGL 1.8 Released

Hi All,

We just released a new LuaGL version.

In this version we separated the utilities from main library. So both Lua modules depends now only on a base library that is not a Lua module. The Lua modules can now be renamed to some known possibilities.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2012-06-29

LuaGL 1.6 Released

Hi All,

We just released a new LuaGL version.

In this version there are two new functions to allocate userdata, and a few fixes in functions that use 2D arrays.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2010-11-12

LuaGL 1.5 Released

Hi All,

We just released a new LuaGL version.

In this version we added a few GLU missing functions.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2010-09-14

LuaGL 1.4 Released

Hi All,

LuaGL is back to SourceForge, thanks to Fabio Guerra. The page at LuaForge only redirects to SF.

We have several fixes and enhancements. Most of them thanks to J.-F. Cap.

The code also was cleaned up and optimized.

Please check the new home page at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2010-06-23

LuaGL New Page

LuaGL Home Page is now hosted on thanks to our new contributor Grzegorz Wierzowiecki.

I hope this will help us to create a comunity with the LuaGL users.

We are now working for the new release. There is still a lot to do with LuaGL (better documentation, better tests, makefile, support to GLU & GLSL, improvements on get_enum function).

Posted by Fabio Wanderley Guerra 2007-02-27

LuaGL v1.01 Release

LuaGL v1.01 was released.

Applied minor changes on LuaGL.h and LuaGLUT.h to make it compile correctly under Linux.

Posted by Fabio Wanderley Guerra 2004-07-31

LuaGL v1.0 Release

LuaGL is an OpenGL binding for Lua 5.0. The first version v1.0 is ready for download. The package contains:

  • The binding of all the OpenGL functions;
  • The binding of some GLUT functions;
  • A documentation explaining the library;
  • Two lua programs created for testing the library;
  • A simple example of an interpreter that uses the library and was used for the test programs.
Posted by Fabio Wanderley Guerra 2003-07-14