
LTI CIVIL / News: Recent posts

PPC macs now supported too

In release lti-civil-20070920-1721

Posted by Ken Larson 2007-09-20

Improved capture throughput in lti-civil-20070914-1213

Excessive image copying has been avoided in the latest release, resulting in higher frame rates.

Detailed change log:

Aug 30 2007
add some support for querying and setting image size
fix rgb problem on mac os x.

Aug 31 2007
add swing-based capture control
better quicktime disposal
cleanup build and release

Sep 11 2007
kenlars99 added timestamp to Images.

Sep 14 2007
kenlars99 improve image conversions to avoid copying data, especially with Quicktime.

Posted by Ken Larson 2007-09-14