
Linguistic Tree Constructor / News: Recent posts

Linguistic Tree Constructor 3.1.0 released


Linguistic Tree Constructor version 3.1.0 has been released:

The release notes are below.


Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen

Release notes for 3.1.0 follow


This is an enhancement release with one bugfixes.

  • The first enhancement is the addition of the ability to display
    tooltips on the phrase-level buttons and label checkboxes in the
    left part of the window. See the User's Guide for how to add these
    to your labels.txt and/or phrase_types.txt files.... read more
Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2011-10-31

Linguistic Tree Constructor 3.0.4 released


Linguistic Tree Constructor version 3.0.4 has been released.

Binaries are provided for:

  • Windows (2000 and later).
  • Mac OS X (Universal binaries for 10.4 (Tiger) and later)
  • Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (i368)
  • Fedora 13 (i386)

This is an enhancement release with three bugfixes.

  • The first bugfix is that, on Mac OS X, if the user is using a
    case-sensitive file-system, the Lib directory wouldn't be found.
    This has been fixed.... read more
Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2010-09-18

Linguistic Tree Constructor 3.0.3 released

Linguistic Tree Constructor version 3.0.3 has been released:

Linguistic Tree Constructor is a free, libre, Open Source Software program for drawing linguistic syntax trees of text. Its main distinctive is that it assists you in data production: You can very quickly draw up a lot of syntax trees using LTC. Whereas other programs focus on showing pretty trees of single sentences for publication, LTC aims to speed up the data production process, e.g., when needing data for bootstrapping a parser.... read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2009-05-02

Linguistic Tree Constructor 3.0.2 released


Linguistic Tree Constructor (LTC) is a free program for drawing
linguistic syntax trees. In contrast to most other similar programs,
LTC is not for drawing small examples, but for quickly analyzing large
amounts of text, using your mouse. The program does no analysis on
its own, but simply lets the user build linguistic syntax trees, with
tree-node labels choosable by the user.

LTC version 3.0.2 can be downloaded via this URL:... read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2008-10-23

Linguistic Tree Constructor 3.0.1 released


Linguistic Tree Constructor version 3.0.1 has been released.

Linguistic Tree Constructor (LTC) is a free tool for linguists and
educators who wish to produce syntax-tree analyses of text. Educators
can share linguistic trees with their students, and have the students
analyse text with LTC, thereby sharpening analysis skills. Linguists
can use the tool to produce syntactically analyzed corpora. The tool
interfaces with the Emdros linguistic search engine for searching such
a corpus in syntactically interesting ways.... read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2008-10-11

LTC 3.0.0 released


I have released LTC version 3.0.0.

Binaries are provided for Windows (2000/XP/2003/Vista), Mac OS X (Tiger, Leopard -- Universal), and Linux.

Release notes are below.


Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen


This is a release with major feature-enhancements.

As announced in the release-notes for version 2.8.0, the following
changes have been implemented:

  • Support for the non-Unicode versions of LTC has been removed. This
    means that LTC no longer runs on Windows 95, 98, 98SE, or ME.... read more
Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2008-10-02

Linguistic Tree Constructor version 2.8.1 released

Hot on the heels of version 2.8.0, its younger brother, version 2.8.1, has been released.

Version 2.8.1 fixes a critical bug (on Windows) whereby the "File --> New" command would crash the program. Other platforms are not affected.

The goods can be had from here:


Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2008-01-28

LTC version 2.8.0 released


I have released Linguistic Tree Constructor version 2.8.0:

This is a release with both bugfixes and feature enhancements.

Many thanks to Prof. Dr. Kirk E. Lowery for beta-testing this release
intensively, and for providing numerous bug reports and suggestions
for improvements, and for general moral support in my endeavors with

  • Added a new command: View --> Open Horizontal Tree, which opens a
    new window showing a horizontal tree of the currently selected node.
    This is only possible if exactly one node is selected.... read more
Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2008-01-27

Linguistic Tree Constructor version 2.7.1 released


I have released Linguistic Tree Constructor (LTC) version 2.7.1:

LTC is a free, Open Source software program for drawing linguistic syntax trees.

Changes since 2.7.0 include:

  • The speed of the program was dramatically improved. Now it is not only possible, but even tolerable, to work with an entire book like the Book of Matthew, and a book like Ephesians (much shorter) is a snap to work with.... read more
Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2007-08-19

LTC version 2.7.0 released


I have released Linguistic Tree Constructor version 2.7.0:

News over 2.6.1 include:

  • The scroll-wheel now works on the tree.

  • A new editing-mode was added, in which the newly created node is automatically selected after creation. To turn on the new mode, go to the "Edit" menu and toggle the last menu item in the menu.

  • Collapsing/expanding a node now constitutes modifying the document, so that you can save it even if this is all you have done to the document.... read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2007-07-16

LTC version 2.6.1 released


Linguistic Tree Constructor version 2.6.1 has been released:

This is a maintenance release to fix a few bugs in version 2.6.0.

Upgrading is recommended.


Ulrik Petersen
LTC maintainer

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2007-07-11

LTC version 2.6.0 released


I have released Linguistic Tree Constructor (LTC) version 2.6.0. LTC is a cross-platform application for drawing linguistic syntax trees in a point-and-click fashion. LTC runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

You can get it from here:

This release sees the following improvements over version 2.5.0:

  • Speed improvements: Daily usage is much smoother and faster.... read more
Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2007-07-06

Linguistic Tree Constructor version 2.5.0 released


I have released Linguistic Tree Constructor version 2.5.0:

This is a feature-enhancement release. The following improvements
over 2.0.0 were made:

  • User-definable node-levels are now supported. That means, you are
    not constrained to the pre-defined "Phrase", "Clause",
    "ClauseCluster", etc., but can define your own levels.... read more
Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2007-03-14

GetBibleText version 1.5 release -- with MorphGNT


I've released version 1.5 of GetBibleText_GreekNT. It now contains not only the Tischendorf text of the Greek NT, but also James Tauber's MorphGNT, version 5.08.

Tauber's MorphGNT contains the words of UBS3, but not its punctuation.

You can download it via:

Tauber's MorphGNT has a homepage here:


Ulrik Petersen

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2006-11-20

LTC version 2.0.0 released


I've released Linguistic Tree Constructor (LTC) version 2.0.0. LTC is
for drawing linguistic syntax trees in a point-and-click manner. It
works on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

I've also released a Greek New Testament (Tischendorf's 8th) for use
with LTC, complete with a nice little application for selecting the
text you want.

Both LTC and the Greek NT can be had from: read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2006-11-12

Intel Mac binaries released for 1.2.0.preview15


I've released binaries for Mac Intel 1.2.0.preview15.


Ulrik Petersen
LTC maintainer

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2006-09-03

New Westcott-Hort text released (1.1)

The Westcott-Hort Greek New Testamet example text (ltc-examples-td2) has been released in an updated version 1.1. This release sees better conformance with Strong's Greek-English Dictionary in the lemmas.

Be sure to uninstall the TD2 package if it is installed already, before installing the new version.

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2005-06-30

Linguistic Tree Constructor version 1.1.0 released


I've released version 1.1.0 of Linguistic Tree Constructor.

Linguistic Tree Constructor is a program for drawing syntax trees. This release adds Unicode support.

Two versions of the executable are installed: One with Unicode support and one without. The latter is mostly for people who use Win95/98/ME, as the Unicode version may not work on these systems.

Files created with this version in a non-Unicode font are backwards compatible with the previous release of LTC. Likewise, files created with the previous version can be used with this version, even when running the Unicode executable.... read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2005-03-03

LingTreeConstructor version 1.0.3 released


I've released Linguistic Tree Constructor version 1.0.3:

Linguistic Tree Constructor is a tool for drawing linguistic syntax trees. It supports three "flavors" of trees:

  • "Generic",
  • X-bar
  • RRG (Role and Reference Grammar)

The project has a homepage here:

A feature-list can be seen here: read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2005-02-18