
Released v2.47.0

v2.47.0 released.

I just released some updates that have been sitting on my hard drive for over six months now.
See the release note for details.
There's a problem with the auto updating, which I am looking into and hopefully will get fixed later, so you may have to manually download.

Apologies for the lack of output for so long. I had a system crash that completely screwed Windows and lost most of the work I was doing (except for the updates in this release). In turn that disheartened me and I stopped working.
As no one complained, I wasn't prodded into restarting :-(

Hopefully, in the next few weeks we will be able to get up to date with syntax additions.

Did you notice the "we" in the last sentence? We have a new volunteer to the coding team, with two of us may be things will move faster. ;-)

Posted by Ima Mechanique 2012-11-18 Labels: v2.47 release

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