
Building CsScintilla

Roland Hughes

Building CsScintilla

You must first follow the instructions found in [Building CopperSpice] or install a binary package from here. CsScintilla requires CopperSpice to be built and installed in a system locations. If you have it in a different location you will need to modify the convenience scripts. Read the linked wiki page if you need the locations explained. You must also have Mercurial installed for your OS.

mkdir ~/sf_projects
cd ~/sf_projects
hg clone ssh:// csscintilla-csscintilla

If you want Read Only access use this one
hg clone csscintilla-csscintilla

This must be done once before you do anything else

cd to the copperspice/CsScintillaEdit subdirectory of the project.


This was required for the Qt code which the CopperSpice code was molded from.
It updates the ScintillaWidget header and source files. You only need to run
this once if you haven't messed with any of the python code.

End of preliminary

cd csscintilla-csscintilla/copperspice
./ fresh

Be sure to pay attention to the INSTALL_DIR.

Eventually you will see the following:

Choose Y to install and enter your sudo password when prompted.

cd ../copperspice_examples

Once again pay attention to the PATH variables. Make certain they match the locations where you installed things. If not, change the script.

cd ~/sf_projects/copperspice_examples_install

You are now ready to read the "Welcome to CsScintilla" blog entry. That will tell you what each of the examples are meant to do and show.

Building Debian Packages

Just go to the directory where you pulled down the project and run the command file. Note that you will need fakeroot, hashdeep, and dpkg-deb installed.

cd ~/sf_projects/csscintilla-csscintilla


Wiki: Building CopperSpice
Wiki: Home