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Welcome to CsScintilla - CopperSpice Port of Scintilla

CsScintilla - a CopperSpice port of Scintilla is now available. Currently it only builds for Linux distros. If you wish to take on the task of creating build scripts for Windows/MAC/whatever, please be my guest and issue a pull request.

The only additional restriction the license includes is that you cannot use this library to create an editor/IDE that uses any kind of plug-in/add-on support. Just look at Emacs, Atom, VSCode, insert-editor-using-plug-ins-here. Hundreds of plug-ins/add-ons that do almost the same thing, none of which do it well. Half of the plug-ins conflict with others. Thousands of plug-ins that no longer work at all. A plug-in library littered with landmines that will completely trash your editor installation if you even attempt to install them.... read more

Posted by Roland Hughes 2022-06-04