
Tree [r11] /

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File Date Author Commit
 DR25Production 2018-03-22 mustaric [r11] Add transitlike directory of code for DR25
 Q1Q17Production 2015-06-12 mustaric [r3] move into production directory
 data 2017-07-17 mustaric [r6] Adding DR25 production code and maps
 readme.txt 2015-07-06 mustaric [r4] Added readme and example input/output

Read Me

This repository contains the code to create the LPP transit metric.
The method is described in the paper "A machine learning technique to identfy transit shaped signals".  Here we describe some of the keys functions and the inputs to the code. 

This code is the exact code used to create the LPP transit metric for the Q1-Q17 DR24 KOI table. See Coughlin et al. 2015. It is unlikely that an external user could actually run this code since it relies on the task files produced by the Kepler pipeline. However, we do provide examples of what the inputs and outputs look like, so an industrious user could try to reproduce the results.

In Q1-Q17Production :

transitLike/scriptRunningAll.m :
This script is the master file that runs the rest of the code. It is split into cells with descriptions at the top of each cell stating what occurs in this portion of the code.

createLightCurves/createMedPDCLightCurves.m :
This creates one file per TCE. Two example files, 00941662-01_lcinfo.mat and 0091662-02_lcinfo.mat are available in the data directory. This code relies on the internal tasks files to run, but the required information is available at NExScI.

createMatrix/createMatrixByType :
Creates the input matrix to the LPP algorithm and outputs a matlab structure. You need one per detrending type.
An example of these structures can be found in data/inputQ1Q17DR24_Matrix6083.mat 

transitLike/compute_Transitiness :
This code actually computes the LPP transit metric from the input Matrix. An example of the mapping can be found in data/mappingQ1Q17DR24dv_6083.mat.