Activity for KimBlast

  • jabianmonux committed [8908e3]

    un commit de test

  • ogallard committed [69d5e7]

    More markdown fixes in

  • ogallard committed [cbf988]

    Updated READMEs to point to Source Forge ( but both files are not in sync!! :-O )

  • KimBlast KimBlast released /Current Stable Release/

  • KimBlast KimBlast released /Current Stable Release/

  • KimBlast KimBlast released /Old Stable Releases/KimBlast_3.2.3_setup.exe

  • KimBlast KimBlast released /Old Stable Releases/KimBlast_4.0.2_setup.exe

  • quim_home committed [52acfe]

    many refactors, changes to make it functional on py3

  • quim_home committed [ed7507]

    forgot to fix the trap

  • jabianmonux committed [268613]

    update readme

  • quim_home committed [80823b]

    Updated database config file. Just one test.fasta file for development

  • jabianmonux committed [b2fc8e]

    fix commons imports

  • joa_ubu committed [a03d45]

    ignore spyder files

  • joa_ubu committed [924cea]

    remove some

  • joa_ubu committed [5c9b27]

    fixing appearance in ubuntu

  • quim_home committed [301675]

    eliminate formatdb black screen

  • quim_home committed [de68e7]

    some orphan files

  • quim_home committed [207568]

    Code cleaning

  • quim_home committed [cac7bd]

    updated readme

  • quim_home committed [63ac09]

    Some minor adjustments

  • quim_home committed [5bd9fa]


  • quim_home committed [5926c8]

    more hg.ignore

  • jabianmonux committed [810a15]

    property changed name

  • quim_home committed [005bd3]

    Remove search-derived files

  • joa_ubu committed [a1f634]

    Estrategic change of directory definitions

  • quim_home committed [49b31e]

    update README.html

  • quim_home committed [64cd4d]

    py3 iterator uses __next__

  • jabianmonux committed [c71900]

    setup does not have initial values for the format and index file types

  • joa_ubu committed [e786d1]

    modificar posix cfg. DBPATH still to make generic

  • quim_home committed [c4f5f2]

    Again, change name of config files for editors to recognize type, and for users not to get lost.

  • quim_home committed [7f6734]

    eliminate old config

  • quim_home committed [819113]

    PyInstallered apps require all 3 pipes in subprocess, otherwise OSError

  • ogallard committed [c94b14]


  • joa_ubu committed [cd5051]

    many changes

  • quim_home committed [c124fb]

    setup frame produced recursive call to evt_txt

  • jabianmonux committed [4b34da]

    fix urllib for py3k

  • quim_home committed [6e509e]

    full collection from blast+ 2.10.0 in windows

  • joa_ubu committed [61396e]

    remove some

  • quim_home committed [d6897d]

    minor typos

  • quim_home committed [8cea1d]

    algorithm to calculate colored positions was good

  • quim_home committed [0f53c4]

    py3 dict_keys is not a list

  • quim_home committed [22d544]

    several fixes and todos

  • joa_ubu committed [1ac972]

    update posix.config

  • quim_home committed [fa0467]


  • quim_home committed [b1d58c]

    Change again names of cfg files

  • quim_home committed [6b8106]

    too large text for dict params

  • quim_home committed [639d5e]

    style works again in windows

  • quim_home committed [36bf21]

    Fix problem with location of pyinstaller-build .exe

  • quim_home committed [f8c016]

    google ajax api is gone,

  • quim_home committed [a4368b]

    First Steps for Linux Compatibility

  • quim_home committed [0aef05]

    first_commint for py3 starting on Kimblast 4.0.2

  • quim_home committed [ae5af6]

    Change Tee program with wtee

  • quim_home committed [153de9]

    Compatibilize different sizes ubuntu/windows

  • ogallard committed [1ab956]

    Partially Updated HTML documentation...

  • quim_home committed [ae6c66]

    new version inno setup

  • joa_ubu committed [3effba]

    remove relocate images

  • quim_home committed [f6c400]

    pycharm project estructure reorganization

  • quim_home committed [f2e4ec]

    update ignore

  • quim_home committed [8f3ea0]

    Add STRING search

  • joa_ubu committed [06f4bf]

    few changes

  • quim_home committed [c773ff]

    Refactor to make code understandable

  • quim_home committed [224d6d]

    idea changes

  • quim_home committed [56d2b3]

    ignore more files

  • Òscar Òscar committed [dd5049] editado a través de la web en Bitbucket

  • joa_ubu committed [3f7b99]

    add data folder

  • quim_home committed [b6f7d9]

    Kimblast reads blastype config files at start and when blastype is changed

  • joa_ubu committed [aae2e3]

    Size adjustments in ubuntu

  • quim_home committed [e10819]

    minor refactorings pep8

  • quim_home committed [61b516]

    Rebuild Filein and Fileout panels.

  • quim_home committed [297c75]

    Add folder of config files with params for the different blast executables

  • JoaLnx committed [4116b3]

    fixing appearance in ubuntu

  • quim_home committed [347065]

    Windows sizes were too small

  • jabianmonux committed [119548]

    first commit

  • joa_ubu committed [8589c7]

    Error ortográfico

  • quim_home committed [33b0af]

    recover oscar readme update

  • joa_ubu committed [9d8315]

    Many changes

  • joa_ubu committed [a15ad0]

    Now data folder (earlier data_blast) is created in the Kimblast folder

  • joa_ubu committed [567566]

    correct config_common_posix.cfg

  • quim_home committed [6fc505]

    Minor changes

  • quim_home committed [97a240]

    Update README.html

  • quim_home committed [6b606c]

    migrating to py3

  • quim_home committed [65d4b6]

    Fix setupframe zombies

  • quim_home committed [dafa4f]

    Google Search working again