
Lost-Signal / News: Recent posts

0.1.1 released!

Yey! Version 0.1.1 is online and ready for download! Nothing very very special new... particle system, a kind of :D and we hope you enjoy the improved functions of 0.1.0. sorry people, but we don t have much time. we hope that you will be able to download a playable version soon... but... we don't know how soon :D

Posted by Andre 2006-10-26

First Alpha Release !

version 0.1.0 is released !

Don't expect too much from this release. You will see a starbase and you can fly around a little bit ( joystick support is working but it's behaving a little strange.

TODO for version 0.2.0:
- weapons
- more ships
- an xml parser for ships, missions an weapons
- a mission system
- sound
- and many little improvements

Posted by Stefan 2005-11-25

Final run!

Hud is working!
Controls are working!
Physics are working!
ImageLoader is working!
Modelloader is working!

Sounds don't work!
Multiplayer doesn't work!
Starsystem doesn't work!
Scriptlanguage doesn't work!

3D Models 50% (not textured)
Sounds 1% (1 sound is available)
2D Graphics 5% (not much :D )

Posted by Andre 2005-10-19

Controls & Network

We've just added some new things to our controlsystem. First at all the mouse works... Well not in the game directly but we receive correct data from sdl. The Joystick is another problem... I don't know why this doesn't work. Well but hey we just implemented also a network class for multiplayer. It doesn't work right now because I'm missing the socket.h in my folders. That's it! Stay tuned for news! We are working hard for this :D

Posted by Andre 2005-08-24

Engine Update !

The graphics engine now supports display-lists. The performance increased by a factor of 4 or something. Now we will bring some order in the chaos of the code.
We will also implement joystick support now.

Posted by Stefan 2005-08-21

Party on!

Hi! We just put some files into our cvs repository! You will find some "nice" cpp code and hey also some max-files from 3d studio max are in there! Ehm we don't exactlly know when our game will be testable or even playable but well.... I hope we will reach this point some day.

Posted by Andre 2005-08-15

Hello everyone !

This is our first News, first files coming soon !

Posted by Stefan 2005-08-08