
TransProCalc / News: Recent posts

TransProCalc 0.7 released

On 03/25 TransProCalc 0.7 was released.
TPCalc will now save and re-open project.
I really felt that this function was essential.
Now, when I can get TPCalc to offer the user manipulation of how many fields for documents, expenses, providers, etc., I will call it 1.0.
Somebody should get involved and help, or something.
I mean, we NEED good FOSS project mgmt software for our industry.
The demand is there.
Let's meet it.

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-03-27

NEW release 0.5 ?!

I made a new release today.
A lot of code has been cleaned up a bit (although, I think there are variables and processes in their now that are not being used, so, more cleaning up could be done).
Printing is now enabled via LPR.
A calculator is now embedded in the main window.
ProjectEstimate and ProjectOut have been consolidated in ProjectFin.
Close buttons on all windows/dialogs/reports close those dialogs, only Quit on main window exits the program.
About button removed from all but main window.
Text previuosly in main window msg has been moved to the "about" dialog.
Release names have been loopy, and I apologize.
I am rolling back, and calling this tpcalc-0.5.
I think tpcalc is far more complete and useful than when it started a couple of months ago. It's seen rapid development, but, I will consider it truly complete, and release 1.0 when I can a) round the numbers, and b) save project / open project. I think that, although it was stable and useful, previously, it was erroneous to consider any previous release 1.0 or further.
I could use some help.
Get involved.

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-03-04

Tclkit up-Devs ONLY

Users, please download only the zip or tarball.
(You won't be able to do anything with the tclkit, that's for tcl-ers/developers).

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-02-24

Tutorial available online

I also wanted to mention that Andidita Basu
has wrote a lovely user tutorial which is now available on the tpcalc site.
Oh yes, and I bought tpcalc it's own domain:

It's still hosted on the same space as Linguas OS, but, it has it's own domain pointing to the page there.

Be well.

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-02-21

Assignment reports fixed

The assignment report was asking for a variable that was not set within the ProjectAssign dialog, meaning, if you didn't run ProjectDocs first, you couldn't get a ProjectAssign report.
I fixed that, and allowed for the user to compare the number of translation units assigned to the providers, to the total number of translation units calculated in ProjectDocs.
(If these numbers are not the same, it had better be that the ProjectDocs number is larger, and because the user him/herself is translating the remainder of the translation units. If the Assigned number of translation units is greater than the number of units to be charged for in ProjectDocs, there's a problem...You've assigned more words than you are selling. not good).
Everything is now working as it should.... read more

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-02-21

Major Developments: COMPLETED

TransProCalc is now much more than just a calculator, but a complex (but easy to use) project mgmt tool, that assists in estimating projects, managing project document data and project assignments, and, still has the previous functions for assisting with calculating relevant financial data at the end of a project for bookkeeping and invoicing purposes.

Check it all out at read more

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-02-16

More changes...

I cleaned up the interface a bit, and the report.
Added an "about" button.
Add space for notes on the report, a
few other things.

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-02-13


Just today I added more fields for project specific data (proj no/client id/start date/invoice date), more fields for specific charges, a "reset" button, a "quit" button, and, best of all a "make report" button.
Press "make report" and transprocalc generates a text report with all relevant data, editable in its window. The report can be saved to a text (.txt) file for further editing or printing in any text editor (notepad, kedit, medit, kate, etc.)

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-02-11


The official web page for this project is at:

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-02-09

Changes already

LOS-TPCalc has only been here for a day, and I've already made changes.
So far they're simple.
I have made tax percentage a user-entered value.
I have changed the label for translation units from "word count" to "units (words/lines)" to indicate that the unit is an open parameter.
The program will work for those who charge by page or hour, as well.
Also, I have changed the name from LOS-TPCalc to simply TransProCalc.
Athough I originally wrote this for Linguas OS (Linux for Translators) users, it is in Tcl.Tk, and thus will run on any platform, and is not specific to Linguas OS, of course, so, it seemed inappropriate to keep LOS in the name.

Posted by Anthony Baldwin 2008-02-09