Activity for LORD Clicker

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r10]

    working on save

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r9]

    spell and spell school added

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r8]

    working fine. need to test weapons up to level 10,

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r7]

    upgrade not working...

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r6]

    finally have an idea for array. seems to work

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r5]

    some number formatting,

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r4]

    this seems to be working without arrays. just have some numbers to figure out,

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r3]

    back to the silly assignment array issue. says not defined.

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r2]

    changing some initial vars

  • Klyxmaster Klyxmaster committed [r1]

    initial commit