FS.Rings are copyright bAAGi at Faulty Sanity http://www.faultysanity.com/. FS.Rings is a PHP MySQL script which allows webmasters to make their own webring service, from a couple of rings to thousands. The script has many features allowing users to make and manage their membership and rings. Ringmasters are able to approve or reject applicants, remove members, mass mail it's users, and more. Admins are able to mass mail all the active users, purge old inactive rings, make categories, backup and restore the db, make new admins, and more. Demo Ring website: http://www.webringworld.org/fsrings/ Email: baagi@faultysanity.com PS: Created by Faulty Sanity - bAAGi (?offline?) (currently made available/hosted by the WOW - http://www.webringworld.org/\)
The LoR website has now been established, and the design finalized!
Please let us know if you find any dead links, or anything else that doesn't work, make sense, or that needs to be tweaked!
We would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions whether they be about the website, the yet to be developed PHP program, or the LoR SourceForge project.
This LoR webring program and website are in the early planning and construction stages. We are actively looking for members to work on the PHP program (PHP/MySQL Developers), and/or the website. To become a member you need to first join this website, register with SourceForge, send us your SF Login Name, get setup with CVS, and then join the Open and Developer's forums.