

Omer Katz
  • Omer Katz

    Omer Katz - 2009-02-01

    I don't understand half of the current API.
    The reason is that I know every class that was presented by the book but afterwards there is no real detailed documentation.
    For instance I'm looking on MultiMethods and I have no clue what Lhs and Rhs is.

    Also why weren't we updated about the upcoming release.
    I had a feature to include. The Decorator class that I wrote for Loki.

    • Richard Sposato

      Richard Sposato - 2009-02-01

      Hi Omer,

      We need to update the documentation to reflect the changes and features in the new release.  You can find documentation for much of Loki here
      and here:

      The terms, lhs and rhs, are abbreviations for Left-Hand-Side and Right-Hand-Side.  They refer to the left and right operands in some functions.
      For example:
      string operator + ( const string & lhs, const string & rhs );
      string b( "the left" );
      string c( " is right" );
      string a = b + c;  // a == "the left is right"

      I wanted to get the release out soon for several reasons.  We overlooked letting other developers know.



    • Omer Katz

      Omer Katz - 2009-02-04

      Well basically I'm making a new namespace of design patterns for Loki.
      It's a shame...  I could have submitted part of it.
      Can I just update the svn from now on?

      • Richard Sposato

        Richard Sposato - 2009-02-08

        Hi Omer,

        I'd like to hear your plans for adding other design patterns into Loki.  I tried to send you an email at, but the email bounced.  Can you send me a private message via sourceforge so I know how to reach you through email?



    • Omer Katz

      Omer Katz - 2009-02-04

      Oh and about the docs... A simple explenation will be enough for me to help writing the docs :)
      I'd like to really get into this :):)


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