
Functor to const member function

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I get an error regarding Call of nonfunction on line 526 in Functor.h (loki-0.1.4\loki-0.1.4\include\noncc\Borland)
    anyone who know why? Or someone who knows a proper way to implement functors to const member functions.

    struct SomeClass
       std::string value;
       void set(std::string const & p)
          value = p;
       std::string get() const
          return value;
       std::string get()
          return value;

    void TestFunction(int, double)
       int i = 4;

    void TestFunction(int)
       int i = 5;

    typedef std::string (SomeClass::* const_getter)() const;

    typedef void (*ptTestFunction)(int);

    typedef Loki::Functor<void, TYPELIST_1(std::string const &)> setter;
    typedef Loki::Functor<std::string> getter;

    #pragma argsused
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
       SomeClass * object = new SomeClass();
       SomeClass const * cobject = new SomeClass();

       const_getter tmp = &SomeClass::get;
       setter f1(&(*object), &SomeClass::set);

       std::string test = "HelloWorld";

       ptTestFunction t = &TestFunction;
       Loki::Functor<void, TYPELIST_1(int)> get (t);

       Loki::Functor<std::string> t2(tmp);


       return 0;


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      And to clearify, it works if the get function isn't overloaded but neither by using initialization or by static_cast. (i looked at the examples in the book about overloading)


    • Peter Kuemmel

      Peter Kuemmel - 2006-11-06

      To construct a Functor with a member function you also need a object on which the member function could be called:

      Loki::Functor<std::string> t2(object, tmp);

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks, I thought I had tried that. But evidently not.



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