
Has anyone ported Loki to MSVC 6.0 compiler?

Xu Tao
  • Xu Tao

    Xu Tao - 2002-08-07

    I can only find its MSVC 7.0 ported version.

    • Shannon Glenn Barber

      Typelist have been ported to MSVC6 by Jonathan H. Lundquist
      I was working on a full MSVC7, but the rumor is that the in-house build of 7.1a compiles loki as-is.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2003-01-09

        MS said that VS.NET 2003 will compile Loki,Boost...

    • Shannon Glenn Barber

      An MSVC6 port has been presented to us.  It is not 100% compatible with the reference library, but it appears to get the job done.

      The next release will include this port.


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