
Error with smartptr in loki 0.1.7 on Windows

Slav Grig
  • Slav Grig

    Slav Grig - 2009-04-07

    I use the smart pointer from the library ver.0.1.7. When I try to
    compile it on my WIN32-platform under Visual Studio 2003, I get the

    ...\loki-0.1.7\include\loki\Threads.h(506): error C2065:
    'atomic_mutex_' : undeclared identifier

    I think, there is a mistake in the library. In the posix branch that
    identifier is defined as:
       private:                                                         \        static pthread_mutex_t atomic_mutex_;                        \

    but there is no definition in the WIN32 branch. And, of course, there
    is no code for initialization of that object.

    • Bit Bucket

      Bit Bucket - 2009-04-08

      I'm having the same issue with VS 2k8, anyone have a solution?



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