
LogZipper.NET / News: Recent posts

Last Beta Released

This is the beta version that is feature complete as far as I'm concerned. Please try it out and give me some feedback. It adds logging capabilities.


Posted by bbrown 2005-02-18

Another Beta

Threw up another release to fix an exception that occurred when LogZipper.NET tried to archive a log file that was still being written to. It also creates the destination directory if it doesn't already exist.

Posted by bbrown 2005-02-16

Beta Release Launched

This beta is stable (I haven't found any bugs) and implements the basics of log rotation. I've still got to create some documentation so others can use it and I want to add the ability to recurse subdirectories before it goes 1.0, but it's almost there.

Please feel free to make suggestions or point out bugs.

Posted by bbrown 2005-02-10