
#33 Log window is not displayed


I have now come across this bug on a few different Window installations.Basically what happens is that the software works fine for some time, but at some point when I try to open a new logging session the window stops being displayed. It shows up in the taskbar as if it's minimized, but with no way of actually bringing it back up. The preview in the taskbar only shows the title bar and no content.

I'm afraid I can't provide any screenshots or similar as I just now managed to fix this by removing the config file in %appdata%/Local/, but that should serve as another clue of what causes this.

I kinda assume that this is a known bug as it has happened to me multiple times and I'm therefore keeping this bug report brief, but if it's not please let me know and I will try to provide as much information as I can.


  • Johan Idstam

    Johan Idstam - 2016-02-22

    Hej Erik

    Det är första gången jag ser detta fel.

    Skulle du kunna maila mig config-filen innan du raderar den nästa gång? (Glöm inte att ta bort eventuella hemligheter ur den bara.)



  • Erik Johansson

    Erik Johansson - 2016-02-27

    Hi Johan!

    (I will keep this in English in case other people are curious)

    I just installed logview4net on a new Windows (10) install again and managed to reproduce the issue. This is roughly what I did:

    1. Added a new directorylistener to a folder containing a few simple log files
    2. Started the logging session (this worked fine)
    3. Minimized and quit the application by right clicking > Close window in the Windows taskbar
    4. I opened the program again where the settings window shows as usual
    5. I tried to perform step 1 and 2 again, but this time I get no log window

    A screenshot of how the preview looks in the taskbar is attached, along with the config file. I censored the PublicKeyToken, which was the only potential secret I could identify.

    I tried messing around with the formPos and formSize settings which clearly has weird values, and I managed to fix the issue by entering some sane values instead and restarting the program.

    Let me know if there's anything else I can provide!



    Last edit: Erik Johansson 2016-02-27
  • Johan Idstam

    Johan Idstam - 2016-02-28

    Fixed it. A new release is out on the site.
    There are some issues with the code signing cert so there might be warnings about untrusted software for a while.

  • Johan Idstam

    Johan Idstam - 2016-02-28
    • status: unread --> closed-fixed

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