
Tree [r26] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 config 2007-04-15 lkluc [r26] - Added gettext internationalization support
 doc 2006-06-09 lkluc [r14] - Created subdirectiries for source files
 example 2006-11-29 lkluc [r22] - Changed syntax and grammar, now supports simp...
 po 2007-04-15 lkluc [r26] - Added gettext internationalization support
 src 2007-04-15 lkluc [r26] - Added gettext internationalization support
 tests 2006-10-08 lkluc [r18] - Added an example.
 ABOUT-NLS 2007-04-15 lkluc [r26] - Added gettext internationalization support
 AUTHORS 2006-03-22 lkluc [r1] - Creation of the project file
 COPYING 2007-01-03 lkluc [r25] - Added license header.
 ChangeLog 2007-04-15 lkluc [r26] - Added gettext internationalization support
 INSTALL 2006-03-22 lkluc [r4] - Replaced symlinks by real files 2007-04-15 lkluc [r26] - Added gettext internationalization support
 NEWS 2006-03-22 lkluc [r1] - Creation of the project file
 README 2006-10-08 lkluc [r18] - Added an example.
 bootstrap 2007-04-15 lkluc [r26] - Added gettext internationalization support 2007-04-15 lkluc [r26] - Added gettext internationalization support

Read Me

This program has been created using Ubuntu, therefore, the package
description given below matches those of this distro.

In order to be able to compile the project these following packages
must be installed:

  o A C++ compiler (has been tested with g++).
  o The autotools packages (autoconf, automake,... )(been tested with
  o (x11proto-gl-dev)?
  o An OpenGL development pagkage (been tested with
  o A GLU development package (been tested with 'libglu1-mesa-dev').
  o A GLUT development package (been tested with 'freeglut3-dev').
  o Boost Spirit Library (been tested with 'libboost-dev').

Optional packages:
  o Doxygen, in order to enable automatic developer's documentation
    ('doxygen' package).
  o Graphviz tools, in order to be able to debug the parsing algorithm

To compile :

  1) Type './bootstrap' at the prompt to generate the configuration file.
  2) Type './configure --with-x' to generate the Makefile.
  3) Type 'make' to create the executable.

To run the program type './logogl'.

To debug you can use the usual 'mack check' command. 

To debug the parsing algorithm, you can use 'make check-parsing',
WARNING: automatic viewing, one gv (for each .logo file in /tests)
will pop!

To debug the parsing individually, you can use the 'logogl -d -o' to create a Graphviz file.

Enjoy !