
LogMiner / News: Recent posts

LogMiner 1.21 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

Version 1.21 adds a report about networks: it allows to monitor requests coming from the IP ranges you specify.

LogMiner home page: ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2007-11-03

LogMiner 1.20 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

Version 1.20 adds support for libpqxx 2.6.9. Also, SQL errors won't interrupt the parsing of log files any longer.

LogMiner home page: ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2007-08-10

LogMiner 1.19 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

Version 1.19 includes the code contributed by Peter Witkop to process a directory of log files.

LogMiner home page: ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2007-06-19

LogMiner 1.18 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In version 1.18 the navigation graph has been made clearer; all the request matching a certain code can be found from the "Response codes" report; a bug when dealing with negative time zones has been fixed in the log parser. ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2007-05-28

LogMiner 1.16 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In version 1.16 the escapes for single quotes in SQL statements has been changed not to give warnings with Postgres 8.2; the computation of average values for the current month in the monthly summary has been fixed.... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2007-01-19

LogMiner 1.15 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In version 1.14 the performances of the "User Agents trend" page have been improved. The "Previous period" link on that page has been fixed. The license references have been changed to make clear that only version 2 of GPL applies.... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2006-09-25

LogMiner 1.14 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In version 1.14 the performances of the "Site summary", "Daily statistics" and "Hourly statistics" pages have been improved. ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2006-08-25

LogMiner 1.12 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In version 1.11 a pie graph with search engine distribution has been added to the "Search Engines" page. "Home" links have been added to the monthly and daily report pages. In the View log page, the search term for request and referrer is automatically surrounded with %, making it easier to perform simple searches. Support for the cs-version field has been added to the IIS log parser. ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2006-08-02

LogMiner 1.11 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In version 1.11 the navigation graph has been improved and linked from the search engines reports. When parsing logs, if they've already been passed through logresolve, the hostnames will be resolved to IP addresses again.... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2006-07-05

LogMiner 1.10 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache/IIS (or other web servers using the "combined" or Extended W3C log formats). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

Among other improvements, release 1.10 allows to parse IIS log files (or other Extended W3C logs).

LogMiner home page: ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2006-06-19

LogMiner 1.9 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache (or other web servers using the "combined" log format). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

Release 1.9 adds a page to easily search through the access log.

LogMiner home page:

Downloads page:

Posted by Simone Tellini 2006-06-15

LogMiner 1.8 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache (or other web servers using the "combined" log format). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

Release 1.8 fixes the order of data displayed in the monthly summary page.

LogMiner home page:

Downloads page:

Posted by Simone Tellini 2006-01-31

LogMiner 1.7 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache (or other web servers using the "combined" log format). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

Release 1.7 fixes a bug in the monthly summary page.

LogMiner home page:

Downloads page:

Posted by Simone Tellini 2005-12-08

LogMiner 1.6 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache (or other web servers using the "combined" log format). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

Release 1.6 fixes a couple of build problems that may have occurred on some systems.

LogMiner home page:

Downloads page:

Posted by Simone Tellini 2005-11-27

LogMiner 1.5 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache (or other web servers using the "combined" log format). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In release 1.5, an option has been added to prevent LogMiner to resolve the IP address of clients, allowing for faster processing in case you're not interested in TLD statistics. ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2005-10-10

LogMiner 1.4 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache (or other web servers using the "combined" log format). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In release 1.4, configuration has been made simpler by removing the need to list all your sites in the [Logs] section.

LogMiner home page: ... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2005-10-04

LogMiner 1.3 released

LogMiner is a powerful log analysis package for Apache (or other web servers using the "combined" log format). It can extract and present statistics about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by users.

In release 1.3, a new report showing the time spent by users on our site's pages has been added and the navigation graph has been modified to take query strings into account. Moreover, starting with this release, LogMiner will automatically apply DB schema updates as needed, thus making it very easy to upgrade existing setups.... read more

Posted by Simone Tellini 2005-09-25