
Logman: Logging Amateur Radio Database / News: Recent posts

Logman 0.01.00 released

Currently it does only one thing: ARRL Field day. Since the start of Field Day is less than 48 hours away, I am proud to present the very first release!

Once this weekend is over with, I will get started on working the IARU HF code into the program. This will also signal the start of the contest selector code.

Posted by Randy Rathbun 2001-06-21

Wow, has it been a long time...

Seems like it has been ages since I wrote any Pascal. Okay, so it *has* been ages! I am pretty much having to re-learn everything again. Will crack open one of my old college texts tonight to brush up.

Today I got quite a bit done. There is *some* functionality now. It will log but will not save anything nor will it detect dupes. Still much to do but getting better.

Feel free to DL it and take a look at the contest screen. It is pretty well laid out like I want it to be, but I am always open to suggestions. ... read more

Posted by Randy Rathbun 2001-05-31