
Basic Searches


To conduct a basic search of files in a directory stay on the basic tab and ensure that the 'Use Basic Settings' check box is checked.

Ensure the line filter drop down is set to 'Contains' then type the word or phrase to search for in the text drop down next to it.

Click the 'Search' button. This will search through the content of all files in the specfied folder for the search text displaying them on-screen as they are found. A progress bar at the bottom left of the windows shows the progress of the search with information regarding its status. When the search is complete the 'Search' button will become active again and a summary will be displayed in the status bar.

To search in multiple input folders enter the folders one after the other separated by a semi-colon.

To search for files with multiple file name wildcards enter the wildcard patterns one after the other separated by a semi-colon.


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