

Anonymous Enrico Benedetti
Call.png (8428 bytes)
Login.png (6142 bytes)
Main_Frame.png (57512 bytes)
Preferences.png (18520 bytes)
Timeline.png (26515 bytes)

Quick start

For prerequisites, installation and running look at Quick start


For upgrading from a previous release look at Upgrading


The URL is your JIRA installation main page i.e. (the Athalassian sandbox dor JIRA).
User and Password are your JIRA credentials.

Main frame

You can search a single issue by entering code, or do a text search. To search you simply have to type your search and press Return, the issues will be listed in the "Issue list".


In the filter combobox, you will find your saved filters, and a predefined filter " Latest " with the latest issues you have working on (on Log4day), in the last 7 days.
Selecting a filter will show the issues in the "Issue list".

Issue list

Selecting a issue, it will be showed in the "Selected issue" section.
Double clicking on it will show it on the browser, connecting to remote JIRA.
The columns are:

  • Updated: it shows icons for newly created issues or updated ones
  • Priority
  • Start button: eventually stops a running log and start a new lsog with the seleted issue
  • Bookmark button: add a bookmark to the selected issue and show it in the bookmark section
  • Call button: it is used to log an interruption to the running log. It shows the call dialog:

    you must specify, at least, an issue (by default the selected one), a duration (see Convenctions), then the running log is stopped, with stop time as the current time minus duration, a new log with the call is added, with the duration you have specified, and the previous log is restarted.
  • Copy button: copy the selected issue code into the clipboard

Worklog tree

In the "Worklog tree" you can see your logs since 7 days ago (see Preferences).
Double clicking on it will show it on the browser, connecting to remote JIRA.
Right clicking on a log you can:

  • Delete: applies only to logs not committed to the remote JIRA repository (uncommitted)
  • Edit: applies only to uncommitted logs
  • Restart: is the same as starting a new log with the selected issue
  • Log work done: applies only to uncommitted, closed (not running) logs. It registers your work log to the remote JIRA repository
    Multiple selection is allowed.
  • Remove work done: applies only to committed logs, it removes your work log from the remote JIRA repository
    Multiple selection is allowed.
  • Set running: applies only to uncommitted, closed log if it's the last. It removes duration and sets the log as running

Right clicking on a day you can:

  • Log work done: applies only to uncommitted, closed (not running) logs. It registers your work log to the remote JIRA repository. (from version 0.1.2)
  • Remove work done: applies only to committed logs, it removes your work log from the remote JIRA repository. (from version 0.1.2)

Selected issue

You can see the details (description), the comments, and the logs (as in Log4day) of the current issue.


  • Stop: stops the running log
  • Start
  • Call
  • New
  • Timeline

    In the "Timeline" you can see your logs since 7 days ago (see Preferences).
    Then you can resize them by selecting a border and dragging, or move them by selecting the center and dragging. Only uncommitted issues can be changed.
    Double clicking on a issue will show it on the browser, connecting to remote JIRA.

  • Preferences

    • Round: start, stop and call will be rounded to the specified duration (see Conventions)
    • Log tree days: the days showed int the "Worklog tree" (see Convencions)
    • Timeline days: the days showed int the "Timeline" (see Conventions)
    • Locale: at the present time is only used to format dates and days
    • Refresh interval: the selected filter and the "Selected issue" are automatically refreshed
    • Browser command: the command to run for calling a browser. If "use default" is checked, then Log4day tries to determine it automatically, otherwise you can specify it int the "custom" section. (from version 0.1.2)
    • Update check interval in days (0 = never): if greater than 0, an automatic update check is done at application startup, if it has not been done in the last n days. (from version 0.1.2)
    • Info

Cumulated checkbox

If checked, it aggregates the logs in the "Worklog tree", by issue / comment. In this state, no modification is allowed.


Durations are expressed and must be inserted in the format xxh xxm xxs, i.e. 10m is for 10 minutes, 1h 5m is for one hour and 5 minutes.

Dates must be inserted in the format YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. 2011-03-25 is for 25 March 2011.

Time must be inserted in the format hh:mm:ss, i.e. 10:25:05 is for 10 hours, 25 minutes and 5 seconds.