
Log3 / News: Recent posts

Log3 1.00 released

Today Log3 1.00 has been released.

Error in default ban script configuration for Shorewall usage was corrected.

README file was included to the documentation directory in English and Polish versions.

Posted by ultr 2007-02-28

Log3 1.00rc2 released

Today Log3 1.00rc2 has been released.

Modules now log their actions to /var/log/log3/,
sshd_monitor kills the connection when the IP is banned,
and in apache2_monitor config you can now specify files, which will be ignored.

Unfortunately, no changes to the readme file were made :(
Also the installer wasn't improved, so you still have to activate the daemon.

The same note as for rc1: edit '/etc/log3/use' file, as well as 'config' files in modules, you want to use, and in /scripts/ban/.

Posted by ultr 2006-05-14

Log3 1.00rc1 released

Today the first working version was released.

The deamon itself works OK and you shouldn't have any problems here.

Installation script should also work, but I didn't do much testing. So don't be surprised if you will have to correct the installation or make it by yourself.

Another problem is the lack of modules. And only sshd_monitor and vsftpd_monitor were tested.

There is no readme file yet, so if you want to configure Log3 look through these files after installation:
- /etc/log3/use
- /etc/log3/scripts/ban/config
- /etc/log3/modules/.../config... read more

Posted by ultr 2006-04-25