
Problems with installation

  • Elena

    Elena - 2014-02-15

    Hi, I have been having problems with the installation of Lofreq. I'm quite in this but I have previously install samtools and when I follow your steps to install lofreq it seems that it work but when I run -f ref.fa -b mapping.bam -o raw-snv-output-file this message appear:
    Segmentation fault:11

    As I have a mac with Xcode I decided to do ./configure CFLAGS="-arch x86_64" LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64", as you recommend to see if it fix the problem but then I get after make install this error:
    make [1] *** [lofreq_samtools] Error 1.

    I don't know what else to try.


    • Andreas Wilm

      Andreas Wilm - 2014-02-17

      Hi Elena,

      A segmentation fault is usually a sign, that something is very wrong.
      Which version of LoFreq are you using?
      What is the OS X version you are working on?

      Would you mind to give the precompiled beta version a try? See
      The only problem there is that the documentation is very much
      incomplete for now. Have a look at the contained README. Basically,
      all LoFreq functions should be accessible through the main binary in


      On 16 February 2014 07:47, Elena wrote:

      Hi, I have been having problems with the installation of Lofreq. I'm quite
      in this but I have previously install samtools and when I follow your steps
      to install lofreq it seems that it work but when I run
      -f ref.fa -b mapping.bam -o raw-snv-output-file this message appear:
      Segmentation fault:11

      As I have a mac with Xcode I decided to do ./configure CFLAGS="-arch x86_64"
      LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64", as you recommend to see if it fix the problem but
      then I get after make install this error:
      make [1] *** [lofreq_samtools] Error 1.

      I don't know what else to try.


      Problems with installation

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      Andreas Wilm | | 0x7C68FBCC

  • Elena

    Elena - 2014-02-17

    Hi Andreas,

    I download lofreq-0.6.1. I have mac os x 10.9 maverick. I have python 2.7.5, I install the c compiler and also zlib through homebrew as well as samtools, this last one works perfectly. I don't know if lofreq is not working cos I missing some of the headers file. I'm quite new with programs and I'm learning in the go.
    I download the beta version but when I try to do ./configure it saids no such file or directory. It could be cos the beta version does not have any src folder as the 0.6.1 version?
    Sorry for such basics questions but I really appreciate any help.

    • Andreas Wilm

      Andreas Wilm - 2014-02-17

      Hi Elena,

      the beta is already compiled. You don't need to run configure or make.
      The binary should be there already. That's why it should be easier to
      use this version (even though it still lacks documentation).

      As for lofreq-0.6.1: it sounds like this should work given your setup.
      Could you please send me the file named config.log and the console
      output you get if you run make clean and then make? If you don't want
      to post it on the mailing list, feel free to email me directly:


      On 17 February 2014 15:27, Elena wrote:

      Hi Andreas,

      I download lofreq-0.6.1. I have mac os x 10.9 maverick. I have python 2.7.5,
      I install the c compiler and also zlib through homebrew as well as samtools,
      this last one works perfectly. I don't know if lofreq is not working cos I
      missing some of the headers file. I'm quite new with programs and I'm
      learning in the go.
      I download the beta version but when I try to do ./configure it saids no
      such file or directory. It could be cos the beta version does not have any
      src folder as the 0.6.1 version?
      Sorry for such basics questions but I really appreciate any help.

      Problems with installation

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Andreas Wilm | | 0x7C68FBCC


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