
Alternatives to GATK for upstream processing?

  • Steve

    Steve - 2018-05-16

    In the documentation for LoFreq, it is suggested:

    For Illumina data, we suggest that you preprocess your BAM files by following GATK’s best practice protocol, i.e. that you mark duplicates (not for very high coverage data though), realign indels and recalibrate base qualities with GATK (BQSR). The latter will also add indel qualities, which is needed for indel calling (alternatively use lofreq indelqual).

    However, GATK has upgraded to version 4, and has dropped many of these tools since they've been integrated directly with the variant callers, I believe.

    It is not clear when these tools will be ported over to GATK 4. This means that any variant calling pipelines that use both LoFreq and GATK callers are unable to upgrade to GATK 4, and must maintain reliance on GATK 3. This is a serious issue, because GATK 4 is free for commercial use, but GATK 3 is not.

    Is there an alternative to the GATK 3 tools for use in upstream processing & preparation of files for use with LoFreq?

    • Andreas Wilm

      Andreas Wilm - 2018-05-17

      Hi Steve,

      for duplicate marking (if needed) you can use any tools of your choice,
      e.g. sambamba. For realignment you can use LoFreq's own realigned lofreq viterbi (requires resorting afterwards). For base quality calibration you
      can still use GATK or alternatively Lacer You should get
      decent results even without recalibration.


      On 16 May 2018 at 22:04, Steve wrote:

      In the documentation for LoFreq, it is suggested:

      For Illumina data, we suggest that you preprocess your BAM files by
      following GATK’s best practice protocol, i.e. that you mark duplicates (not
      for very high coverage data though), realign indels and recalibrate base
      qualities with GATK (BQSR). The latter will also add indel qualities, which
      is needed for indel calling (alternatively use lofreq indelqual).

      However, GATK has upgraded to version 4, and has dropped many of these
      tools since they've been integrated directly with the variant callers, I

      It is not clear when these tools will be ported over to GATK 4. This means
      that any variant calling pipelines that use both LoFreq and GATK callers
      are unable to upgrade to GATK 4, and must maintain reliance on GATK 3. This
      is a serious issue, because GATK 4 is free for commercial use, but GATK 3
      is not.

      Is there an alternative to the GATK 3 tools for use in upstream processing
      & preparation of files for use with LoFreq?

      Alternatives to GATK for upstream processing?

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