
lodd / News: Recent posts

New gimme-some-code tarball

Howdy again.

I finally got a good enough chunk of time together to actually sit down and hack on lodd a while.


This is called "lodd2" because it is a 90% rewrite of what I had before, since the modifications I wanted/needed to make was so extensive. Additionally, the code is now LGPL/GPLed. See LICENSE and individual files for more information.

Work has also begun on loddlib. So far, the API (functions and structs) is taking shape, and coding on the library itself will soon begin in earnest.... read more

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2003-04-06

New licensing/Page Changes (Now GPL/LGPL)

Hello again.

I've removed some parts of the page (most importantly, the forums), since no one was using them. If you want them back, just yell out here, and I'll put 'em back.

The licensing for new versions of lodd has also changed (I have to upload the new files, though; *some* updates have been happening; just not nearly as many as I'd like). Lodd will now be licensed under the LGPL for libraries and library contents, and GPL for the user interface (lodd itself). Once again, if you have a problem with this, please email me or drop off a message here. We might be able to work out a resolution.... read more

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2002-11-09

OK. Here's the deal! (Or: Push To Get It Out The Door)

Alright. Here's the deal.

I'm going to make a big push to get this out the door during Thanksgiving and Christmas break. I don't know how long it'll take, but I expect two or more weekends of solid coding. But rest assured I haven't forgotten this project.

As always, I'm snowed under with stuff to do, so this has gotten put on hold yet again. Sorry!

Anyhow, expect lodd 1.0 around January 2003! Yay!

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2002-11-08

Still alive!

Yes, I'm still alive. I've been applying for graduate school, visiting graduate schools, accepting graduate schools, trying to get a house, etc. Not much time to work on lodd, I'm afraid.

This summer should work out much, much better, though. I'm not going to be taking any classes, so the night should (mostly) available for hacking. Yay!

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2002-05-08

New tarball up

New gimme-some-code tarball has been released. This covers the API discussed on There's probably going to be at least one more change, but nothing that module writers will care about (lodd needs to have a documented way to get various module settings without dinking with the regmod data structures).

Other than that, there's additional preparation for starting on loddlib, which should begin in earnest Soonish.

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2002-01-17

New tarball up

New gimme-some-code tarball has been released. This covers the API discussed on There's probably going to be at least one more change, but nothing that module writers will care about (lodd needs to have a documented way to get various module settings without dinking with the regmod data structures).

Other than that, there's additional preparation for starting on loddlib, which should begin in earnest Soonish.

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2002-01-17

*huff* *puff*

Yes, I'm still at it!
A great Thank You to all of you who've downloaded the Gimme-Some-Code tarball. Since then, I've slightly modified the regmod API and have worked on fully documenting the regmod (module)API.

Rest assured that I'm still working on it, but am lagged due to finals stress. It'll all be over on the 13th (my last final is the night of the 12th), so I'll be getting back to business shortly thereafter, and will be releasing the new regmod and docs!... read more

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2001-12-07

First source tarball released!

Finally, after much anticipation, the Gimme-some-source tarball has been released. Now you can easily download the current source and play with it, without having to use the CVS stuff.

The people celebrated in all major U.S. cities, as well as in major cities in Europe, Asia, and even the scientists in Antartica threw a party.

Either that, or I just made up that last bit. Personally, I like imagining that people are cheering on the lodd project, so you now know my opinion. [grin]

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2001-10-06


Stuck back doing homework and progress in spurts. Sorry. I'm working hard. I have a little progress to show to you all, but I haven't check it in to CVS yet. Send me money if you want me to work full-time on it, 'cause I have school and work both interfering. :)

Once again, feel free to poke around and look at the source or visit any of the chats available. I'll try to check regularly to see what's been posted.... read more

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2001-09-26

Source Available!


As you may or may not have noticed, some source has now become available. It's in the CVS repository. Due to the break-in, however, I recommend you NOT get it until I check it against the original source stored on my laptop.

I'll be gone for a while on my honeymoon and will be back to developing as soon as my new wife lets me. ;)


Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2001-05-31

Just a few more weeks....

Aight. So I lied. :)

I have been deluged with homework, exams, and general stuff since the end of the semester and my life as a bachelor draw to a close. When I can, I'll move back the deadlines on the next 2 components. Then I'll post the tarball.

So close, so close. :)

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2001-04-25

New Web Page (well, old one)

I just finished copying my lodd page across from the phys location to sourceforge. Yay! It's up in all of its inaccurate splendor.

Now it's time for homework.

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2001-02-04

'Gimme Some Code' tarball forthcoming

I forgot to add: a very-pre-alpha 'Gimme Some Code, Please' tarball will be posted once I get my laptop going. Keep in mind that it will only contain the code I've completed


Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2001-01-06

regmod completed

regmod, the lodd module registration system, has been coded and seems to be working. I created a test program, regtest, to test regmod.o. Now the work begins on coding loddlib, but the core of it, regmod, is done.

I'll get the module API up in a bit; right now, I have lots of paid work to do. :)

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2001-01-06



I just got lodd registered, so hang on with me here. :) If you have any ideas as the site and project progress, please let me know.

Posted by Joseph Pingenot 2000-10-23