

NewFileBrowser is a plugin for Notepad++, and it can define 2 new file's text and have a inner webbrowser which could run current file
add new file type and fixed sometimes crash on x64

support x64

1. Can define and name 20 templates for new files.
2. Fix the bug that create new HTML file and browse directly will be error.

1. Add icon on toolbar
2. Add function, auto show in browser when saved
3. Add could define the new file's encode by template file

1. Fix the bug when open more than one defined newfile
2. Add docking dialog's icon
3. System shortcut such as ctrl+A/ctrl+C doesn't work in webbrowser, but can't fix it, because NPP can't support define PreTranslateMessage

1. Use Ctrl+Shift+N or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N to open a new file with default text which is defined yourself in template.
2. In template ^! means the default cursor position.
3. It has innner webbrowser with IE kernel, use Ctrl+E to browse current file in it

Posted by Austin Young 2021-04-19 Labels: NewFileBrowser

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