
Local Update Publisher / News: Recent posts

Important Info Regarding WSUS/LUP Certificate

With the release of KB2661254 on August 14th, 2012 any client that uses a certificate less than 1024 bits in length will cease to receive updates from LUP.

A more detailed write-up by Lawrence Garvin can be found here:

Posted by Bryan Dam 2012-08-14

Version 1.1 Release

Version 1.1 has just been released. The main focus for this release was to support multiple languages. I received four official translations and used Google translate to provide eight others. If you are able and willing to provide or improve a translation please send me a private message. Please include your email address in the PM so I can respond to you.

Version 1.1
-Globalization with translations for Catalan, Danish, French, and German.
-Add and remove multiple updates when exporting or selecting for prerequisite and superseded.
-Support for approval deadlines.
-Show locally published updates regardless of vendor.
-Created updates by right clicking on Vendor or Product categories in the tree view.
-Approve updates for optional installation.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2011-10-31

Looking for Translators

I have just finished work on enabling LUP to be translated to other languages. If you are able to help with a translation please contact me either via my sourceforge profile or in the help forums.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2011-02-11

Stable Version Released

After almost exactly a year, here is version 1.0 which I'm listing as stable. There's still plenty to do but it appears that this is working for a lot of people and most crashes have been worked out.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2011-01-14

Ninth Beta Version Released

This will hopefully be the last beta version; for the next I hope to label it as a stable release. To that end, unless it is trivial, no additional features will be added and bug fixes and UI quirks will be the sole focus.

  • Added options for percentages to only use approved updates and to inherit approvals.
  • Added option to demote imported updates to prevent automatically approval rules.
  • Allow actions on multiple packages.
  • Added package type which determines which details the package contains.
  • Improved return codes handling.
  • Added Origin URL field which allows meta-data only updates.
  • Export update catalogs.
  • General code cleanup (Strict:On Infer:Off).
  • Several GUI enhancements.
  • Several bugfixes.
Posted by Bryan Dam 2010-10-22

Eighth Beta Version Released

After 7 versions and several months of successful publishing, I am calling this release Beta. There are still plenty of bugs, but the core functionality works.

  • Fixed issue with superseding updates.
  • Fixed issue with saving SDP XML file.
  • Import update catalogs from CAB files.
  • Re-Sign packages.
  • Export and Import individual updates including their binaries*.
  • Several bugfixes.

*This is intended for internal use only to move between test and production environments. Distributing the exported files is very likely a violation of most user agreements.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2010-07-21

Seventh Alpha Version Released.

  • Import update catalogs (CAB extraction not currently supported).
  • Set prerequisite and superseded updates.
  • Publish only metadata.
  • Add transforms to command line automatically.
  • Several bugfixes.
Posted by Bryan Dam 2010-04-30

Sixth Alpha Version Released.

ALPHA Version 0.6
- Reports can be exported interactively and from commandline.
- Package can include subdirectories for supporting files.
- EXE packages now support custom return codes.
- Several bugfixes and GUI enhancements.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2010-03-23

Fifth Alpha Version Released.

ALPHA Version 0.5
- Launched documentation Wiki.
- Added link for help forum and wiki to Help menu.
- Allow XML generated by the API to be edited manually.
- Computer percentages now only include approved packages.
- Several bugfixes.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2010-03-08

Fourth Alpha Version Released.

ALPHA Version 0.4
- Binary installer is now available.
- MSI rules are now supported. (kdixon)
- Rules can be saved, imported, and exported.
- Default rules for MSI installs.
- Metadata can be edited directly.
- Code cleanup and refactoring. (kdixon)
- Several GUI enhancements.
- Several bugfixes.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2010-03-01

Third Alpha Version Released.

In this release:
- added support for multiple parent servers.
- added EXPERIMENTAL support for child servers. Please post your results to the forums.
- several GUI enhancements.
- added option to save the last selection.
- column spacing and sort order are now saved.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2010-02-03

Second Alpha Version Released.

In this new release:
- several GUI bug fixes.
- several GUI enhancements.
- support for nested groups.
- clean out the temp folder after publishing an update.
- added a computer group status report.

I would appreciate any feedback you can give to help me gauge if the program is stable enough to release binaries.

Posted by Bryan Dam 2010-01-26