
LocalLucene R2.0 and LocalSolr R2.0 Released

I'm pleased to announce that finally I've gotten around to creating a release of both locallucene and localsolr
which go hand in hand with solr 1.3.0

There will be a future update to bring localsolr upto the latest trunk version of solr 1.4 dev.
Changes include:
* Memory issue with a static lucene sort comparator resolved within localsolr.
* Support for solr sharding now part of the trunk.
* Fix for lexical distance sorting in shard'ed deployment.
* Updated to solr updateRequestProcessorChain method from updateRequestProcessor

** Note on upgrading
If upgrading to this version from r1.5 you will be upgrading to the latest released version of solr-1.3.0 not the nightly
build, as that has already moved ahead of the release.
The released version is also supplied in localsolr/libs/solr/apache-solr-1.3.0.war

To update your configuration you will need change your solrconfig.xml file to support solr's new updateRequestProcessorChain syntax
<processor class="">
<str name="latField">lat</str>
<str name="lngField">lng</str>
<int name="startTier">9</int>
<int name="endTier">17</int>
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />

This example is in the localsolr Changelog.txt as well.

A final note, this will mark the begining of the end of locallucene and localsolr as we know it, but it does not mark the end of locallucene or localsolr
both code bases are contributed to the Apache Software Foundation and are in the process of being integrated under

This will allow both a large base of developers to work on locallucene and localsolr, and also provide much faster responses to releases
as it's being taken to be incorporated into the core of both lucene and solr.

So with that, I shall do one more update to get us to the trunk of solr, and maybe lucene, and then concentrate on helping the transition to

I'd like to thank you for your support and contributions throughout the year, and hope you'll continue while this transitions to Apache.

Patrick O'Leary

-- Local Lucene, the geographical search engine,
make your search local.

Posted by patrick o'leary 2008-12-08

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