
Local Lucene / News: Recent posts

LocalLucene R2.0 and LocalSolr R2.0 Released

I'm pleased to announce that finally I've gotten around to creating a release of both locallucene and localsolr
which go hand in hand with solr 1.3.0

There will be a future update to bring localsolr upto the latest trunk version of solr 1.4 dev.
Changes include:
* Memory issue with a static lucene sort comparator resolved within localsolr.
* Support for solr sharding now part of the trunk.
* Fix for lexical distance sorting in shard'ed deployment.
* Updated to solr updateRequestProcessorChain method from updateRequestProcessor... read more

Posted by patrick o'leary 2008-12-08

LocalLucene R1.5 released

Hey folks

As promised I've done a 1.5 release of Local Lucene / Local Solr.
Essentially these releases are simply to get the download version on source forge up to date.
If you've recently (2 months or so) started using the trunk of local lucene / solr you should be up to date.

Solr's refactored some code in the past couple of weeks, which is no longer compatible with R1.0
hence this interim release.... read more

Posted by patrick o'leary 2008-03-23

LocalLucene LocalSolr Release 1.0

LocalLucene is a geographical extension of the lucene text search library.

A 1.0 release candidate for locallucene and localsolr has been made. Support for radial searching, and sorting by distance are in the r1.0 release.

Posted by patrick o'leary 2007-12-14