


Typical Pitfalls on installation / authentication (CalSync Version 1.9.1)

We discovered, that - especially with Windows 10 - you may be faced with some confusing situations during the authentication process.
We are aiming to solve this issues within one of the next versions

Asks for proxy although there is no proxy in use

Sometimes, when clicking on the "Login" button, the "Enter your proxy settings" dialog appears.
If you are not behind a proxy, click "cancel" and retry clicking the "Login" button. Ususally, the process continues without the proxy dialog, then

Sometimes, after you confirmed the access on your Google oAuth consent screen and you returned to the CalSync application, the application is blocked and nothing is clickable. This is caused by a modal dialog that somehow "went to the background". Press ALT+TAB to show all your open windows. You will find the "settings dialog" window from CalSync in the list of open windows. Hit ALT+TAB until the settings dialog is focused. Proceed with entering your settings, close the dialog and CalSync will not be frozen anymore

Discovered more issues? Let us know

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