


hi i'm using the actual cvs version.

this is the list of all bugs/ problem found in this version and some
suggestion /request

BUGS DUE TO 26D CODE, fixed in 27c:
a) lmule freezes if you get disconnect from internet
b) download speed rises a lot if cpu load is high.
c) (MAYBE) corrupted parts are more frequent if cpu load is high.
ex. playing an heavy 3D Game...Divx..etc..

PARTS TO PORT from 26d win version:
a) reduce to systray -->> going background may reduce cpu load.
b) webservices and ipfilter.dat (it is gonna be very important this)
c) some stupid things like check new version..

a) CPU usage start rising and after some hours lmule uses about
70%. i use to kill and restart...but this is not a good thing!
maybe lmule continus to manage old connections..i don't know..
b) chronical low-id: you must restart to get high id...wxgtk bug isn't
c) shared files: if i select some files, ex 5 files. i change priority to
highest, 4 files become highest and 1release. why that's the highest
option and not release in the cascade menu? and why difference
between release and highest?
d) (MAYBE) upload: the first 4-5 uploads last also 50mins. it seems
me that when i get connected, the first 4-5 person that contact me
get the entire chunks, while the other not!
e) sometimes when connecting to a server it says: connection not
working...waiting 30 sec. but it isn't true!!! in fact if i try again i get
connected. i can't explain why this happen.
f) if i'm downloading and upload, and i get disconnect from a server,
cpu load rise, until i get connected to another server.
g) hashing: situation. i start lmule and it hashes all the files it needs. i close lmule and restart. i doesn't hash any files. VERY
GOOD. now i close lmule and reboot. if i restart now lmule it rehashes
a lot of files! why??? no files have been opened by no apps!!!
h) cpu again...
i have a slow cpu (400mhz) so when i need cpu i set lmule to lowest
priority (19-20). i use cpu a lot, ex looking at divx or heavy games
and when i shutdown these heavy apps and click on lmule it has
summary: it freezes if cpu load is very high and it has low priority.

now i'm sorry for this very long post.
i don't want you to fix that problems.
i only want to tell you what problems i've seen. You can ignore or fix depends on you!

i'm only trying to help you to improve this app.

thx for your attenction.


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