
Logbook Management System / News: Recent posts

LMS is not dead!

We want to state that LMS is not dead.
We are at the moment very busy to make a workable version of LMS.
We're also busy developing a nice site, so stay tuned!

Posted by Anonymous 2007-09-11

The Logbook Management System project starts...

That's right, starting today the project page is opened.
This means we now can really start developping this fine piece of software. In fact, I have already done a lot of work on it. Version 1 (which was only released internally) was quite nice (so said other people who used it), and that's why I decided to make it publicly available.
But with the code it had, it wasn't human readable at all, so I'm working on a whole new revised version, which will have a lot more features than the first one.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2006-04-11