
Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus

Al Udell
  • Al Udell

    Al Udell - 2020-07-23

    Personally, I could really use a single-key keyboard shortcut in Jamulus to toggle 'Mute Myself' status - like X or M. I often find the need to toggle this setting between songs to tune-up or whatever. Hitting a single-key rather than moving the mouse and clicking a checkbox would be awesome.

    I haven't found any previous feature requests regarding this on Github - I did find a previous post on this forum requesting a 'Mute Myself' toggle for use with Bluetooth page-turners -, but there isn't any discussion or followup. I think this is also a great idea.

    Is this 'single-key toggle mute' a feature others could use? Perhaps we could add other single-key shortcuts as well to a Github request?

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2020-07-24

    It is very easy to add the shortcut "Alt-m". For this to work, the main window must have the focus. It is not a single key press but close ;-). Would that be ok for you?

    • BTDT

      BTDT - 2020-07-24

      Can you make the key (the code) programmable so that Bluetooth foot
      pedals(page turners) and selfie buttons can be used?

      From: Volker Fischer []
      Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 8:05 AM
      To: [llcon:discussion]
      Subject: [llcon:discussion] Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus

      It is very easy to add the shortcut "Alt-m". For this to work, the main
      window must have the focus. It is not a single key press but close ;-).
      Would that be ok for you?

      Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus 25#52ee

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    • Al Udell

      Al Udell - 2020-07-24

      Yes, thank-you! "Alt-m" would be great!

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2020-07-24

    The change for the Alt-m was trivial. I only had to add a "&" to the text: "&Mute Myself". This is a standard OS feature.
    Maybe it is possible with some tool to send keyboard shortcuts to an application (like Jamulus) on a press on the bluetooth foot pedal.

    • BTDT

      BTDT - 2020-07-24

      I will see if I can intercept and modify what is sent by that device if/when
      you implement &Mute Myself. While I have your attention, I want you to know
      how important Jamulus has been to me these last months. I appreciate how
      complex it is technically, how user friendly you made it and how magical the
      result is when people get together to use it.

      From: Volker Fischer []
      Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 8:25 AM
      To: [llcon:discussion]
      Subject: [llcon:discussion] Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus

      The change for the Alt-m was trivial. I only had to add a "&" to the text:
      "&Mute Myself". This is a standard OS feature.
      Maybe it is possible with some tool to send keyboard shortcuts to an
      application (like Jamulus) on a press on the bluetooth foot pedal.

      Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus 25#f3ee

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  • Al Udell

    Al Udell - 2020-07-24

    I have a CODA Stomp bluetooth pageturner foot pedal that supports sending the following keyboard strokes:

    • Left/Right Arrow
    • Up/Down Arrow
    • Page Up/Page Down
    • Space/Enter

    Any chance one of these combinations could be incorporated into Jamulus for a mute toggle? It doesn't look like Alt-m or other keystoke combinations are currently supported but I'm researching middle-man apps.


    Last edit: Al Udell 2020-07-24
    • Al Udell

      Al Udell - 2020-07-24

      Okay, I found the perfect solution - install a tool called Autohotkey - which lets you run a background script that intercepts single keystrokes (in my case I used left and right arrow which my bluetooth pageturner pedal sends) and sends Alt-m to Jamulus to toggle mute. Anxiously awaiting the next build of Jamulus to have Alt-m!

      • Volker Fischer

        Volker Fischer - 2020-07-25

        I have created a Windows installer for testing for you:


        Last edit: Volker Fischer 2020-07-25
        • Al Udell

          Al Udell - 2020-07-25

          Thank-you Volker! The new install works great with Alt-m muting - see attached video. I'm using Autohotkey to map left and right arrow keys to Alt-m for use with a bluetooth page turner.

          It occured to me that adding additional "Alt" keyboard shortcuts for toggling the display of "Settings" and "Chat" windows could be useful as well to help manage screen real-estate during large jams or when other apps need to be displayed at the same time. Would this be easy to do?

          • BTDT

            BTDT - 2020-07-26

            Thank you gents. I also used Autothotkey for now to translate the Volume up
            (SC130 code for Autothotkey) and can use my ABshutter to mute my stream.
            Testing was useful and leads me to see two issues that make it a little less
            convenient than I expected.

            1) The Jamulus window must be the active one (of course). I sometimes
            view song sheets on the same PC and those will more likely be active. So, I
            will still need to reach across to get my mouse. Issue #2 may lead to the

            2) There are two buttons on the device. I used the one for IOS which
            sends only the code for volume-up. There is also a button for android which
            sends enter+volume-up. If I press that one by mistake, it opens and closes
            chat, connect window or worse, disconnects me. But, this gives me the idea
            to map that Android button to something else that makes the Jamulus window
            the active window which solves both issues.

            The Autohotkey script

            NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future

            AutoHotkey releases.

            ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

            SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and

            SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.



            send, !m


            I am also going to see if I can map the keycode in the registry since this
            Autohotkey SW makes me a little nervous about security.

            A link to the ABshutter controlling Mute Myself.


            From: Al Udell []
            Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 4:14 PM
            To: [llcon:discussion]
            Subject: [llcon:discussion] Re: Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus

            Thank-you Volker! The new install works great with Alt-m muting - see
            attached video. I'm using Autohotkey to map left and right arrow keys to
            Alt-m for use with a bluetooth page turner.

            It occured to me that adding additional "Alt" keyboard shortcuts for
            toggling the display of "Settings" and "Chat" windows could be useful as
            well to help manage screen real-estate during large jams or when other apps
            need to be displayed at the same time. Would this be easy to do?

            Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus

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          • BTDT

            BTDT - 2020-07-26

            The Autohotkey script below makes Jamulus the active window and Mutes Myself
            in one click.

            NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future

            AutoHotkey releases.

            ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

            SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and

            SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.



            WinActivate, Jamulus

            send, !m


            Video at:


            From: John Montalbano []
            Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 8:07 PM
            To: '[llcon:discussion] '
            Subject: RE: [llcon:discussion] Re: Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus

            Thank you gents. I also used Autothotkey for now to translate the Volume up
            (SC130 code for Autothotkey) and can use my ABshutter to mute my stream.
            Testing was useful and leads me to see two issues that make it a little less
            convenient than I expected.

            1) The Jamulus window must be the active one (of course). I sometimes
            view song sheets on the same PC and those will more likely be active. So, I
            will still need to reach across to get my mouse. Issue #2 may lead to the

            2) There are two buttons on the device. I used the one for IOS which
            sends only the code for volume-up. There is also a button for android which
            sends enter+volume-up. If I press that one by mistake, it opens and closes
            chat, connect window or worse, disconnects me. But, this gives me the idea
            to map that Android button to something else that makes the Jamulus window
            the active window which solves both issues.

            The Autohotkey script

            NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future

            AutoHotkey releases.

            ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

            SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and

            SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.



            send, !m


            I am also going to see if I can map the keycode in the registry since this
            Autohotkey SW makes me a little nervous about security.

            A link to the ABshutter controlling Mute Myself.


            From: Al Udell []
            Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 4:14 PM
            To: [llcon:discussion]
            Subject: [llcon:discussion] Re: Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus

            Thank-you Volker! The new install works great with Alt-m muting - see
            attached video. I'm using Autohotkey to map left and right arrow keys to
            Alt-m for use with a bluetooth page turner.

            It occured to me that adding additional "Alt" keyboard shortcuts for
            toggling the display of "Settings" and "Chat" windows could be useful as
            well to help manage screen real-estate during large jams or when other apps
            need to be displayed at the same time. Would this be easy to do?

            Keyboard shortcuts in Jamulus

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

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            • Al Udell

              Al Udell - 2020-07-27

              Excellent tip BTDT! "WinActivate, Jamulus" works great to activate the Jamulus window. Thanks!

          • Volker Fischer

            Volker Fischer - 2020-07-31

            "Settings" and "Chat" windows could be useful as well

            I added these, too.

            • Al Udell

              Al Udell - 2020-07-31

              Wonderful! I thank you sir!