

There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.

Network simulators

  • GNS3 0.8.6 : emulator of router / provided without any IOS
  • dynamips 0.2.11-dev
  • VirtualBox 4.3.4 r91027
  • Virtual PC Simulator 0.5b0
  • QEmu 1.1.2

Virtual Machine (VM)

  • 18 Virtual Machines Linux Debian Wheezy. Their only difference is their name.
  • The installed software are similar to the ones of NetKit.
  • VM are integrated into GNS3 and VirtualBox
  • Be careful : several services (isc-dhcp-server, bind9, samba, ...) are downloaded but not installed. You must install them for use them (aptitude install/apt-get install), but you don't need access to Internet for that.
  • Should it be needed, additional software can also be installed (as with a real Debian Linux) in order to enable particular features that are required for specific experiments.

The main tools

  • Servers DHCP, DNS, FTP, tFTP, SSH
  • Network protocol analyzer : Wireshark 1.10.3
  • minicom
  • Web Navigator QupZilla 1.4.4
  • PDF Reader xpdf 3.03
  • NFS Client

Configurations files added

  • A basic configuration file for the Cisco routers (/opt/raizo/user/GNS3/Cisco/Config/baseconfig_cisco.txt)
  • For nano, a syntax highlighting for the configuration files
  • For tmux (installed only on VM), the key "CTRL+ARROW" allow to change terminals fastly.
  • Colorized outputs of networks commands
  • minicom of Raizo is configured to get connected to the serial port. minicomUSB (or  minicom USB Ÿ) allows to use an adapter USB.

Scripts added

On Raizo and the VMs

  • fast-ip : configuration of IP address and eventually the gateway.
  • fast-dhcp : configuration of a DHCP server based on the IP address of the server
  • fast-dns : DNS server configuration
  • fast-rip : RIPv2 router configuration
  • fast-syslog : displays in color the last 40 lines of the file /var/log/syslog
    (fast-ip, fast-dhcp and fast-dns used together enable to setup a dynamic DNS)

Only on Raizo

The specifics

Of the VMs

  • After having started up, the hostname of each VM will automatically take the name that was given in GNS3
  • After having started up, the VM execute the script on Raizo "/home/user/VMStartup/VMRaizo.startup" then "/home/user/VMStartup/X" with X the hostname of the VM
  • As with NetKit, the VM have access to the directory “/home/user” of Raizo by using their directory /hosthome

Of Raizo and the VMs

  • No server is started automatically at boot
  • Set an IP address dynamically : sudo ifup eth0

Of Raizo

  • Persistence of /home : When booted, if Raizo finds a partition with the label “persistence” and the file persistence.conf with "/home" on the root, this partition is automatically mounted in /home.
  • Be careful : Don't forget to erase your persistent user's home if you update "Live Raizo"


  • For to save the configuration of VirtualBox and GNS3, you can save with fast-backup-lab/fast-restore-lab an empty projet of GNS3
  • Think to glance into the default history of commands from Raizo and VMs
  • BIOS time must be updated otherwise the VMs won't start

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