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Live Raizo


  • Linux Debian Jessie backport 64 bits
  • Kernel : 4.9.0-0.bpo.3-amd64

The main tools

  • Servers DHCP, DNS, FTP, tFTP, SSH
  • Network protocol analyzer : Wireshark 2.2.4
  • Serial port communications programs : minicom and putty
  • Web Navigator : Firefox 52.2.0
  • PDF Reader : use Firefox
  • NFS Client

Network simulators

  • GNS3 2.0.4dev1
  • dynamips 0.2.16 : emulator of router / provided without any IOS
  • VirtualBox 5.1.22 r115126
  • VPCS (Virtual PC Simulator) 0.6.2
  • QEmu 2.8.0
  • iouyap 0.97 / provided without any IOU image

VMs called "Debian"


  • Linux Debian Jessie backport 32 bits.
  • Kernel : 4.9.0-0.bpo.3-686

The tools

  • The installed softwares are similar to the ones of NetKit.
  • Several services (isc-dhcp-server, bind9, freeradius, openvpn ...) are already downloaded but not installed. You can install them (aptitude install/apt-get install) without accessing to Internet for that.
  • Should it be needed, additional software can also be installed (as with a real Debian Linux) in order to enable particular features that are required for specific experiments.



On Live-Raizo and the Debian VMs

  • fast-ip : To configure the IP address of a network interface and eventually the gateway.
  • fast-dhcp : To configure a DHCP server (based on the IP address of this server)
  • fast-dns : To configure a DNS server
  • fast-rip : To configure a RIPv2 router
  • fast-proxy-on/fast-proxy-on : To configure or deconfigure the proxy shell variables
  • fast-syslog : To display with colors the last 40 lines of the file /var/log/syslog
    (fast-ip, fast-dhcp and fast-dns used together enable to setup a dynamic DNS)

Only on Live-Raizo

Configuration files

On Live-Raizo and the Debian VMs

  • Colorized outputs of networks commands : tcpdump, ifconfig, route, arp, ...
  • For nano, a syntax highlighting for the configuration files
  • history command already contains useful commands

Only on Live-Raizo

  • minicom of Raizo is configured to get connected to the serial port. minicomUSB (or "minicom USB") allows to use USB adapter.
  • Basic configuration files in /home/user/.config/GNS3/configs/ for
    • Cisco routers : Raizo_ios_base_startup-config.txt
    • Cisco EtherSwitch : Raizo_ios_etherswitch_startup-config.txt
    • Cisco switch IOU : Raizo_iou_l2_base_initial-config.txt
    • VM Linux :

Only on the Debian VMs

  • For tmux
    • the key "CTRL+ARROW" allows to change terminals quickly,
    • the key "SHIFT+ARROW" allows to change order of terminals quickly
  • The file "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kali.list" who contains the commented source list of the Kali Linux Distribution

The specifics

Of Live-Raizo and the Debian VMs

  • No server is started automatically at boot
  • Default shell of root and user is zsh (bash is also available)
  • Set an IP address dynamically : "!1" or "fast-ip dhcp" or "sudo ifup eth0"

Of the Debian VMs

  • The password of root is root
  • After having started up, the VM execute the script on Live-Raizo "X" (with X the hostname of the VM) into "Y/project-files/virtualbox/" (with Y the name of your project)
  • As with NetKit, the VM have access to the directory “/home/user” of Raizo by using their directory "/hosthome"
  • After having started up, the hostname of each VM will automatically take the name that was given in GNS3
  • Routing is activated by default

Of Live-Raizo

  • The password of user is user. You must use "sudo" (or "sudo su") to start commands as root
  • At boot, all detected networks interfaces are activated (but not configured), and they will stay activated even if you use ifdown. If you want shutdown a network interface (eth0, for example), you must do : "sudo ifconfig eth0 down".
  • At boot, a bridge interface, called virbr0, is created : useful if you want to do communicate your virtual network with "Live Raizo"
  • Before install Debian Package, you must do : "sudo aptitude update"
  • X starts automatically fast-battery if battery detected
  • On Firefox, "Auto-detect proxy settings" is enable by default. Don't forget that if you want to use Firefox with you virtual network.
  • On X
    • ALT+F1 starts xterm
    • ALT+F2 starts GNS3

Your Customization

Persistence of /home

  • During boot, if Live-Raizo finds a partition with the label “persistence” and the file persistence.conf with "/home" on the root, this partition is automatically mounted in /home. (cf live debian)
  • Advice : Don't forget to erase your persistent user's home if you update "Live-Raizo"

Customization of Live-Raizo


Install on USB Key

From Microsoft

  • To install Live-Raizo on USB Key, i recommand to use :
    • imageUSB to install Live-Raizo on multiple USB drive.

From Linux

dd  if=Live-Raizo-v8.17.06.17p.iso  of=/dev/sdX
# with /dev/sdX, the device of your usb key

Use in Hypervisor


  • To do communicate your virtual network with the real network (screenshot)

    • On GNS3, put a "Cloud" device and a cable to the attribute "eth0" of this "Cloud" device.
    • (If the real network is accessible by eth0)
  • To do communicate your virtual network with Live-Raizo : (screenshot)

    • On GNS3, put a "LiveRaizo" device and a cable to the attribute "virbr0" of this "LiveRaizo" device.
    • On Live-Raizo, give an IP address to the virbr0 interface.
  • To do communicate your virtual network and the real network with the Wifi :

    • On GNS3, put a "LiveRaizo" device and a cable to the attribute virbr0" of this "LiveRaizo" device.
    • On Live-Raizo :
      • Configure your Wifi
      • Launch "fast-nat" command.


  • You should not move the USB key of Live-Raizo when it is running. If you see "Input/output error" when you launch a command (or fast-syslog), it's too late and you must reboot. Sorry
  • If you want install mysql-server on the "Debian" VM, you must increase the default memory of this VM from 128MB to 256MB
  • If you want install php5 on the "Debian" VM, you must do before "insserv dnsmasq"
  • BIOS time must be after 17/17/06 otherwise the "Debian" VMs won't start
  • On some laptops, X server doesn't start if the power cord of battery is plugged. In this case, unplug it before to start X. You can plugged it after
  • If Live Raizo hangs after few minutes, verify that the file /var/log/syslog doesn't grow up excessively. If it is the case, seeks in this file the error that the system logs too often and correct it.

Virtualized Wifi


Minimal linux commands useful

  • startx : to launch the graphical interface
  • sudo su : to become administrator/root
  • sudo command : to launch "command" as root
  • cp /path/source/file /path/destination : to copy the file from directory "/path/source" into directory "/path/destination"
  • rm /path/file : to delete "/path/file"
  • rm -rf /path/directory : to delete the directory "/path/directory"
  • sudo poweroff : to stop Live Raizo