
Lit Window Library / News: Recent posts

litwindow public development restarted

The litwindow library development is continuing.
The sources have been moved to the sourceforge SVN repository and the latest version is available from there.

+ The Build Process now uses Boost.Build.V2
+ The latest addition to the library is an ODBC C++ library that makes accessing databases via ODBC a lot easier.
+ SVN is

Feedback is always welcome

Posted by Hajo Kirchhoff 2009-01-25

litwindow goes boost++

Welcome everyone,
this is just a short notice that, although it has been very quite on the litwindow front lately, litwindow library development is still going on and the project is definitely alive. The next upcoming version will bring the litwindow library and the boost++ libraries ( a lot closer together.

Best regards

Hajo Kirchhoff

Posted by Hajo Kirchhoff 2006-02-28

Lit Window Library 0.3.1 maintenance release

Beginning with version 0.3.1 the Lit Window Library is available in two packages. lwall contains the full library including support for wxWidgets and the RapidUI code. lwbase contains only the basic functionality and is of interest for programmers who are not using wxWidgets. Specifically lwbase contains the data abstraction layer (reflections or data adapters), a simple constraints solver and a few maintenance functions. I have created the base package to gauge the interest of the "boost library" community in the data adapters/reflections.

Posted by Hajo Kirchhoff 2004-10-30

Lit Window Library 0.3 has been released.

The Lit Window Library aims at speeding up User Interface coding by a factor of 10 and enhances a programmers productivity through combining these programming concepts:

- The library adds "Rules" to the "Properties, Events, Methods" GUI programming paradigm. Rules enable a programmer to code complex interdependencies between widgets with only a few lines of code. Rules are also closer to our natural language we use to describe GUI requirements. A constraints-solving algorithm ensures that these rules always evaluate to true, whenever a user changes a value.... read more

Posted by Hajo Kirchhoff 2004-10-14