
LittleBrowse / News: Recent posts

LittleBrowse 1.0 Beta 2 Released

After one month of coding, LittleBrowse Beta 2 is currently being uploaded to the servers. New features include: properties window, the ability to show and hide toolbars, ability to browse hard drives for web pages, and more! Download now!

Posted by got_milk? 2007-07-22

LittleBrowse 1.0 Beta 1 Released

After some time coding and fixing bugs, the first beta release of version 1.0 is available in all its glory. Check it out on our downloads page!

Known issues:

-May freeze while typing in webpages (very rare)
-Does not save history (just yet)
-Parental Controls block some legit websites

Posted by got_milk? 2007-05-23

First Source Code Uploaded

Our first round of source code has been uploaded to the CVS servers and is available for download. Also, a debug executable is also available to play with (however expect some weird bugs and crashes). Enjoy!

Posted by got_milk? 2007-05-10