

Kor de Jong

This is the LISEM wiki. It contains information about how to obtain and build LISEM. See also:

Obtain LISEM source code

The LISEM source code is stored in a Git repository. You need to install a Git client to be able to checkout the LISEM source code. See also: [Git].

To checkout the LISEM source code, use this command:

git clone ssh://<login_name> lisem


The build process is managed by CMake. You need to install CMake to be able to build LISEM. See also: [CMake].

LISEM requires a C++11 conforming compiler. Gcc 4.9 works fine.

LISEM requires some 3rd party software libraries: Qt, Qwt, Boost, PCRaster raster format. These can be obtained elsewhere. See also: [3rdPartySoftware]. When configuring Lisem, CMake must be able to find the 3rd party software libraries. One option is to install them in a directory and set the LISEM_3RD_PARTY_ROOT environment variable to point to this location.

Build LISEM on 64 bit Windows with Mingw64

LISEM can be built on 64 bit Windows using Mingw-w64. Mingw-w64 builds can be found on the Mingw-w64 project page. Be sure to pick a threads-posix build instead of a threads-win32 build. A good example is the build found here:

The zip file can be unzipped like this:

7z <file>.7z

Add the bin directory to the PATH environment variable.

This is the procedure for building LISEM from a DOS command prompt:

  1. Run cmake-gui.
  2. Point CMake to the source directory.
  3. Point CMake to the binary directory.
  4. Press 'Configure'.
  5. Pick a generator: 'MinGW Makefiles'.
  6. Press 'Generate'.

Cd to the binary directory and type:


Alternatively, you can skip using cmake-gui, and configure the LISEM build from the commandline:

mkdir lisem_build
cd lisem_build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Develop <path_to_lisem_sources>

Or, when using Cygwin:

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=mingw-make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \

To be able to run the LISEM executable, the paths to the 3rd party dlls (Qt, Qwt) must be added to the PATH variable. If things don't work, use the Dependency Walker to inspect the dependencies of LISEM on dlls. Example, using DOS commandline syntax:

set PATH=%LISEM_3RD_PARTY_ROOT%\qt-4.8.4\lib;%LISEM_3RD_PARTY_ROOT%\qwt-6.0.1\lib;%PATH%

Build LISEM on other platforms

LISEM can be built on other platforms too. As long as the compiler supports C++11 and all prerequisites are installed. CMake can generate project files for Eclipse, Visual Studio, etc. Building LISEM has been tested on Windows-64/Mingw-w64/gcc-4.9 and Linux-64/gcc-4.9.


When building Lisem using Makefiles, the make program will by default use only one CPU core. You can speed up the build by telling make to use multiple cores:

make -j<nr_cores>

You can also set much used make commandline options in an environment variable called MAKEFLAGS, for example (using bash syntax):

export MAKEFLAGS="--quiet -j6"


Wiki: 3rdPartySoftware
Wiki: CMake
Wiki: Git