Activity for LIRC

  • Milan Vit Milan Vit modified a comment on merge request #53

    It is Friday, my dudes! … nah, this only really works with Wednesday, doesn’t it…

  • Milan Vit Milan Vit posted a comment on merge request #53

    It is Friday my dudes! … nah, this only really works with Wednesday, doesn’t it…

  • Milan Vit Milan Vit posted a comment on merge request #53

    Happy Friday! Any chance we can move forward with this merge request? 🙏

  • Milan Vit Milan Vit posted a comment on merge request #53

    Good morning! It’s Friday again 🙏

  • Milan Vit Milan Vit posted a comment on merge request #53

    Good morning! A weekly bump 🙏

  • Milan Vit Milan Vit posted a comment on merge request #53

    Good morning! Apologies for the bump, but is there something I could do in order to get this merged and released?

  • Milan Vit Milan Vit created merge request #53 on Git

    Fix plugin’s undefined symbol: major

  • Ximin Luo Ximin Luo posted a comment on ticket #383

    BTW, if I don't use the hack, I get buffer overflow while generating IR pattern. From ftdi.c: static int tx_baud_rate = 65536; [..] [..] The FT232R also becomes unusable if you set the * tx_baud_rate to values other than 65536. Even if the hack were not required, these two bits of code seem very weird. What real world device has a baud rate of exactly 65536? My device at least certainly works with txbaud=15200 and it is not "unusable" contrary to the comment. The Linux gpio_ir_tx driver defaults...

  • Ximin Luo Ximin Luo created ticket #384

    FTDI plugin has unobvious configuration requirement

  • Ximin Luo Ximin Luo created ticket #383

    FTDI plugin requires txbaud hack

  • Jim Kaiser Jim Kaiser posted a comment on ticket #315

    I see that the Milestone for this fix is Future. However, the changed daemons/lircd.cpp file may be found here. I downloaded and replaced the copy in the 0.10.2 distribution tarball with this one and irsend no longer hangs when using --count=2 (or greater). Thank you for the fix!

  • Jim Kaiser Jim Kaiser posted a comment on ticket #382

    After changing the Type=notice to Type=simple in lircd.service, the daemon starts and stays running using sudo systemctl start lircd. irsend --count=4 xxx yyy works. This was based on using ./configure --bindir=/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=/var/lib --datarootdir=/usr/share on a RasPi 4 running Raspberry OS. Now on to trying the installation on an x86 box running ubuntu.

  • Jim Kaiser Jim Kaiser modified a comment on ticket #382

    When starting lircd.service with systemctl it always adds the --nodaemon flag and times out after about 2 minutes. (See the systemctl status output just above). It then deletes the /var/run/lirc directory. The socket is up and stable. (I removed the --runstatedir=/var/run directive from ./configure since run is automatically appended to --localstatedir=/var) lirc_options.conf has nodaemon = False but that appears to be ignored. My other items like device and driver and effective_user all are observed....

  • Jim Kaiser Jim Kaiser posted a comment on ticket #382

    When starting lircd with systemctl it always adds the --nodaemon flag and times out after about 2 minutes. (See the systemctl status output just above). It then deletes the /var/run/lirc directory. The socket is up and stable. lirc_options.conf has nodaemon = False but that appears to be ignored. My other items like device and driver and effective_user all are observed. Once I made /run writable by other and created the lirc directory, I can run lircd from the command line as a regular user. I'm...

  • Jim Kaiser Jim Kaiser created ticket #382

    Making LIRC for RasPi 4, 64bit RaspOS Fails, and ./configuration Options

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #310

    The bug talks about /usr/src/iguanair/software/lirc-drv-iguanair/iguanair.c which is part of the igaunair software, not lirc. This is not something we maintain: Having said that I don't really follow what the problem is. I cannot find log level in that file.

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [a3798c] on Git

    lib: irrecord: Fix free memory write

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #377

    Please don't use the debian or ubuntu branch, they are out of date. Just use the master branch and report any issues you have on that branch.

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #381

    xmode2: Incorrect unit for -t option.

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #379

    xmode2: No IR data shown after wrap.

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #380

    xmode2: Error message "?: too many arguments".

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #381

    xmode2: Incorrect unit for -t option.

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [4b75cc] on Git

    xmode2: Show correct unit for -t option.

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [6b98fb] on Git

    xmode2: Don't use progname before it is set up.

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [2c4de5] on Git

    xmode2: Fix window wrap.

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [001863] on Git

    xmode2: Fix typo in could't

  • Thomas Betker Thomas Betker created ticket #381

    xmode2: Incorrect unit for -t option.

  • Thomas Betker Thomas Betker created ticket #380

    xmode2: Error message "?: too many arguments".

  • Thomas Betker Thomas Betker created ticket #379

    xmode2: No IR data shown after wrap.

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #376

    I've tried to reproduce this again. I do not have a pi zero, I have pi model 3b. I have used the 32 bit raspbian (11 bullseye) though (clean image). Some observations. 1. For a git clean use -fdx, you're missing the d which removes directories 2. Rather than autoreconf --install run ./ 3. How have you configured the library path to include /usr/local/lib? 4. Can you provide the entire build output please, so all the output from configure, make, and all the commands. Thanks. Sean

  • David Röthlisberger David Röthlisberger created merge request #52 on Git

    XMP: Fix repeats

  • Jeff LaBundy Jeff LaBundy created ticket #378

    lircd bypass device does not copy properties or axis limits

  • Lee Ballard Lee Ballard posted a comment on ticket #376

    Still seeing the issue when I change plugindir to /usr/local/lib/lirc/plugins. These are the build steps I use: tmux git clean -xf autoreconf --install mkdir _build cd _build ../configure make sudo make install sudo lirc-postinstall ./python-pkg/lirc/ It's specific to the "default" driver and it may be specific to ARM 32 bit or Pi 1B+. Have you tried to reproduce on Pi Zero? pi@raspberrypi:/usr/local/lib/lirc/plugins $ sudo /usr/local/sbin/lircd --nodaemon -U /usr/local/lib/lirc/plugins...

  • JanB JanB posted a comment on ticket #377

    On note When trying this; (note the debin) git clone --recursive -b debian git:// lirc-pkg while make i also get this error; dpkg-source: error: LC_ALL=C patch -t -F 0 -N -p1 -u -V never -E -b -B .pc/0002-lib-curl_poll.h-Ensure-build-on-unconfiguredclients.patch/ --reject-file=- < lirc-0.9.4d/debian/patches/0002-lib-curl_poll.h-Ensure-build-on-unconfiguredclients.patch subprocess returned exit status 1 patching file lib/curl_poll.h Reversed (or previously applied) patch...

  • JanB JanB posted a comment on ticket #377

    Hi and thanks for answering, apt install -y python3-yaml pypi2deb doxygen kmod make gcc g++ binutils autoconf automake libtool pkg-config xsltproc python3 git git clone --recursive -b ubuntu git:// lirc-pkg cd lirc-pkg make After some error abouut unmet dependendecies ; sudo apt install -y libudev-dev dh-systemd libusb-1.0-0-dev libx11-dev man2html-base libftdi1-dev libftdi-dev libsystemd-dev make ---and there it stops while trying to sign

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #377

    I have not built debian packages before, but your error suggests that you are signing as Alex Leamas without his private key, which is of course impossible. Can you give the exact steps to reproduce this problem. What command line are you using to build the package?

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #376

    I've tried to reproduce this but it works fine for me. The problem is that in your lirc_options.conf you have: plugindir = /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lirc/plugins That should be plugindir = /usr/local/lib/lirc/plugins Unless you have configured your build differently. If this does not help please let us know your exact ./configure command line and following steps. I have no idea where /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lirc/plugins comes from.

  • JanB JanB created ticket #377

    Building lirc for rasperry pi 4

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #376

    Driver `default' not found or not loadable

  • Lee Ballard Lee Ballard created ticket #376

    Driver `default' not found or not loadable

  • Sean Young Sean Young updated merge request #51

    Remove pointless typedef lirc_t to int

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on merge request #51

    That is clear.

  • Christoph Bartelmus Christoph Bartelmus posted a comment on merge request #51

    Please don't remove the typedef. It reminds you that a variable contains timing information and you need to use the given macros to extract the microseconds value. Using int or int32_t won't make much difference in real-world scenarios. There's no danger that this code is used on 16-bit platforms.

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on merge request #51

    Rather than int, we could use int32_t. Typedefs for integer types does not really give you anything in C, just another name for the same primitive. They're almost completely banned in the linux kernel, see I don't feel particularly strongly about this, happy to drop.

  • Bengt Martensson Bengt Martensson posted a comment on merge request #51

    When I looked into the Lirc sources some years ago, I became the impression that lirc_t (what a criminally bad name!) was intended to represent a duration, the amount in micro seconds in the lower bits, with some information (flash or gap, timeout, don't recall) coded into some on the upper bits. There are even some macros defined for extracting. (For me, it feels natural to have used a class for this, but ...). And whatever you do, do no use non-portable "int"!

  • Sean Young Sean Young created merge request #51 on Git

    Remove pointless typedef lirc_t to int

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [125001] on Git

    Transmit second code rather than repeat header

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #315

    irsend / lircd hang when using repeats

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #315

    irsend / lircd hang when using repeats

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #315 merged, should be fixed

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #361

    Two questions

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #361

    We have made a new release recently. This has been discussed under

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #328

    lirc_init does not close socket if connect fails

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [392acc] on Git

    Do not leak filedescriptor on connect failure

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #328

    fixed in commit 392acc46dfa26a820d3021badf438335a77f6179

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #346

    lirc installation on RaspBerry PI

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #346

    Hello, When you download the tarball from you are NOT downloading the git version. There is no reason to run ./ You can use the ./configure script which is provided, as the documentation makes clear.

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #321

    lircd.conf: Line comments starting with whitespace should be valid

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #321

    I've found the remote here: The button clearly says # with the text Search above it. So, the intent was not to comment out this button, but to call it #/search. If we parsed lines with leading whitespace starting with # as comments, then there would be no way to call buttons #.

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #321

    This breaks compatibility. For example has a button called #/search. There are a few more examples of this. If we change the parser to accept leading whitespace before # for comments, then this file will be parsed differently. For all those examples, I don't know if the intent was to comment out /search (also in the other examples) or the intent was to call it #/search. Either way I...

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #339

    Python bindings broken because not installed

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #339

    Fix merged

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #335

    systemd support: Notify systemd on successful startup

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [ce1ff9] on Git

    plugins: zotac: fix poll timeout

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #327

    plugin zotac broken

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #327

    Fixed merged.

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #343

    --connect/-c: argumetn parsing error.

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #359

    lirc client with Raspberry Pi gpio kernel driver

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #359

    A similar patch has been applied.

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #356

    SONY remote control with gpio-ir-recv using LIRC

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #356

    Since this ticket is almost four years old, please let us know if this still an issue and we can reopen.

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #356

    It looks like gpio-ir-recv is not configured correctly. The Sony protocol should start with a 2400 pulse and 600 space, yet you get the reverse (2400 space and 600 pulse). I suspect that the pin should be inverted.

  • Sean Young Sean Young updated merge request #47

    pthread_t is an opaque type, therefore typecast it to avoid warnings on musl

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on merge request #47

    Alternative fix merged, see commit f7dfb99e657e0bd8cec891d0ac397f12a01405bb

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [f7dfb9] on Git

    pthread_t is pointer type on musl

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #365

    Not compatible with PyYAML 6.0

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #365

    Should be fixed

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #375

    send once on conf with min repeat is failing because it thinks it is repeating

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #375 merged, should be fixed

  • Sean Young Sean Young updated merge request #39

    Use pyyaml safe_load instead of load

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on merge request #39

    Alternative fix has been merged. Let us know if there is still is a problem

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [e223c7] on Git

    Remove unused files

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [38c7c8] on Git

    Update to latest version from

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [b47c2b] on Git Remove non-free advertising.

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [2ee264] on Git

    Constant length transmit should take pending space into account

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [d303ca] on Git

    Fix transmit of pcmak.lircd.conf

  • Sean Young Sean Young updated merge request #40

    Add support for FTDI FT232H

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [e40d3d] on Git

    Add support for FTDI FT232H

  • Cristiano De Alti Cristiano De Alti modified a comment on merge request #40

    Wow, only four years ;-) In my case this applies to an FTDI C232HM-EDHSL-0 USB to MPSSE Serial cable 5.0V - 0.5m that my company purchased from a reputable distributor in Italy. I still have it with the original FTDI branded bag.

  • Cristiano De Alti Cristiano De Alti posted a comment on merge request #40

    Wow, only four years ;-) In my case this applies to an FTDI C232HM-EDHSL-0 cable that my company purchased from a reputable distributor in Italy.

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #366

    The built in driver for Irtoy / Irdroid in LIRC makes the modules to lock from time to time, which require to replug the Irdroy/Irdroid and restart LIRC

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #366

    Fixed in 0.10.2

  • Sean Young Sean Young modified ticket #371

    New release?

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on ticket #371

    0.10.2 was released recently

  • David Röthlisberger David Röthlisberger posted a comment on merge request #40

    The nabble link doesn't work but this appears to be the same thread: (archive: ) There's an unresolved question in that thread about whether that was a counterfeit chip, but I could easily believe that a genuine FTDI chip has weird undocumented clock behaviour in bit-bang mode (see my experience with FT232R:...

  • Sean Young Sean Young updated merge request #44

    Upstream three patches needed to support recent linux kernels

  • Sean Young Sean Young posted a comment on merge request #44

    This patch: 1. Fix timings for gpio-ir We already have similar fixes for this. This patch is obsolete. Please test again against latest master. These two are merged already: 4. Make devinput.c Y2038 safe and suport never 32-bit kernels 5. lib/lirc_log.c: Don't use broken LOG_CONS syslog flag

  • Sean Young Sean Young committed [c23dd2] on Git

    migrate struct input_event.time to .input_event_sec and .input_event_usec

  • Sean Young Sean Young updated merge request #46

    migrate struct input_event.time to .input_event_sec and .input_event_usec

  • Sean Young Sean Young updated merge request #38

    Partially revert 0ab24de56 to fix python-pkg (#339)

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